Chapter 1

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Madison POV:

"WAKE UP BITCH!" I heard Jess yell. "What the hell jess!?"  "Mads it's 2pm, wake your ass up" she replied. With that I got out the bed and I headed to the bathroom. Me and Jess shared an apartment. When I got in the bathroom I looked and the mirror and cringed. My hair was all over the place.

  I took my shower and brushed my teeth. When I got out the shower I headed to the kitchen, where I saw Jess making a sandwich. "Ouuu can you make me one?" I asked. "Yea sure". "Thx babe" I replied. "we are going clubbing tonight" Jess said out of no where. "Ummm no" I replied. " plzz Lucas and Jake are gonna be there". "Ughh fine" I gave up. Lucas and Jake were brothers and I had the biggest crush on Jake. "When are we leaving?" I asked Jess. "8pm". "Okay" I replied.
    It was almost 7 and I started to get ready. I got out of bed and  headed to the bathroom to shower.... again. I wore a red tight fitted dress and a natural make up look.

 I wore a red tight fitted dress and a natural make up look

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As I walked out of my room I saw Jess in a Hot ass dress with a bold makeup look

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As I walked out of my room I saw Jess in a Hot ass dress with a bold makeup look.

As I walked out of my room I saw Jess in a Hot ass dress with a bold makeup look

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"Holy shit you look hot" she said with her mouth open

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"Holy shit you look hot" she said with her mouth open. " gurl you look sexy as hell!" I replied. "Well we should probably go it's 8pm" she said. "Yea let's go!" I replied excitedly,

  It took us about 30 minutes to get to the club. The club was crowed and full. We got inside and we saw Jake and Lucas. " Hey guys" we heard Lucas say. "Hey" I replied shyly looking at Jake. He looked at me and smirked. "So you guys wanna dance?" Jake asked his gaze leaving me. " Hells yess" Jess said and with that Lucas grabbed her had and pulled her to the dance floor. I looked at Jake and he had his and out waiting for me to take it so I did.  I grind my behind against his crotch. I could feel him getting hard and with that went to the bar. "What would you like?" The bartender asked. "The strongest thing you have." After about 2 drinks I went to find the other but they weren't there. I went outside to see if the car was and and to my luck..... it wasn't. That bitch left me. I thought to myself. I decided to just walk to my apartment til I see a cab.

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