Chapter 7

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Madison POV
I heard a knock on my door. "come in" in walked a man and a girl. "Hi I'm Elliot and this is Dixie" the man said. "Oh I'm hi. Are you guys hear to do my make up and hair" I asked confused on why they were in here. " ahh yes. Let's get started than shall we" Elliot pointed to the chair which made me assume he wanted me to sit. When I got and the chair they started working their magic.
1 hour later
I looked different. I had on a mask of some sort. I had on a very bold make up look and my hair was gorgeous.

 I had on a very bold make up look and my hair was gorgeous

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When they left Ace walked in With a dress in his hand

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When they left Ace walked in With a dress in his hand. My eyes lit up in awe. It was a beautiful red dress that went perfectly with my makeup. "Here's your dress. Be quick we are already late"  "okay" and he left

 Be quick we are already late"  "okay" and he left

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The dress was beautiful I loved it. I walked out my room and down the stairs seeing Ace. He was staring at me. When we got in the car there was complete silence. I broke it by asking "Did you know that staring is rude?" I asked in a smart tone. " Its not rude if what you're staring at is yours" he replied with a smirk on his face. "Well to bad I'm not yours" I said rolling my eyes. He chuckled. About 30 minutes later we pulled up to this huge house. Not as big as Ace's though. The inside was beautiful. I felt like a princess. "I'm going to talk to some important people so stay here and don't talk to any male whatsoever" I nodded.

It's been about 30 minutes. "Oh hey. I didn't see you there. I'm Jackson." I heard an unfamiliar voice say and when I turned around I see a fine ass man. " oh umm I'm Madison" I replied. "Well it's nice to meet you Madison. Do you wanna dance" when he asked me the my eyes roamed the room to find Ace but when I found he was leading a girl upstairs. I felt a pang of jealousy. I turned back to the man and agreed to dance with him.

About 30 minutes later I heard a voice

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About 30 minutes later I heard a voice. "May I have my date back now?" Oh shit. "I turned around and saw Aces eyes filled with rage. They were dark."oh umm Mr. Vendez?" I hear Jackson stutter and leave. Ace grabbed my waist and started to dance with me. He leaned down into my ear and whispered " I thought I told you not talk to any male" he said calmly which scared me. " he asked me to dance I-"
" I don't care what he asked. You could have said no. But you didn't" He dragged me out of the building and Into the car. "You're getting punished Tonight and i won't go soft on you like I did last time" "no please I'm sorry please" I pleaded. "I don't care about your pleads. Save them for the punishment"
30 minutes later
We pulled up to the house which caused me to shake violently. One I got out the car I ran into the house and I ran to my room and locked the door. "Baby open the door and your punishment won't be bad." "No. No please I'm sorry" "OPEN.THE.DOOR" he said angrily. I opened the door and I found an angry Ace. "Ace please let me explain-" I felt a sting on my cheek. Tear pooled up in my eyes. " You want to act like a whore? Fine I'll treat you like one too" he said. " please no Ace please I beg you" He took me off his belt. "Strip" "pleas no." I sobbed. "Do it now love" I started to strip and I only had on a bra and underwear. " lay down. Face down ass up" I did as I was told. " Now I'm gonna whip 50 times you if you move I will do worse" I stayed silent til I felt a stinging on my butt. After the last hit I was a crying mess. My butt was burning and I could feel that it was bruised. " Baby I've hoped you've learned that you are mine. Your mind, body, and soul." I ignored him. " I'm sorry for hitting you baby" he tried to comfort me. " No! You can't comfort something you caused pain to" I yell. "DAMNIT I SAID I WAS SORRY" " no you said you were sorry for hitting me not whipping me I'm not a kid" I snapped. " YOU FUCKING DESERVED TO GET WHIPPED!" He yelled. " and you don't. I mean I'm pretty sure Fucking another girl is worse than me dancing with another man" i screamed. I don't know if I was getting upset at the fact that he slept with someone else or that he wasn't being fair. "Baby I-"
"- don't. Don't Call me that. Just get go." He left. I was crying my ass was hurting. I wanna leave. I have to find a way out.
I decided to take a shower since my ass felt like shit. And when I got out I cries myself to sleep"
I messed up. I'm a monster. I'm the devil. I'm so stupid. I hit her. I've never hit a woman in my life I don't like it. She hates me. I can never get anyone to love me back. Now I know why.

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