Chapter 2

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Ace POV:

"DAMMIT!" I yelled over the door phone. "Dude calm the fuck down we'll get the shipments back" Gio, my second in command and my bestfriend/brother, said to me. " I swear to if you weren't my bestfriend il tuo culo sarebbe morto" I glared at him. (Your ass would be dead)
"Mmhmm yea whatever" he said rolling his eyes at me which caused me to glare at him again. "Okay fine whatever, let's go to the club I haven't had a good fuck in a while" he said. "No. I have work to do that y'all's dumbasses couldn't" I said sternly. "Ace just one fucking night that's it." "Fine" I said giving up because I knew what if he had to he would get on his knees and beg. "We are leaving to in 30 minutes" I said. " okay boss!" Gio said leaving my office.
30 minutes later at the club

What Ace is wearing     When we got to the club we went to the VIP area

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What Ace is wearing
When we got to the club we went to the VIP area. "Hey baby" I heard someone say. I recognized the voice. The voice I hated. It was Emma. "What is it Emma?" I asked he irritated. "Ohh...... nothing" she says sitting on my lap. "Emma I swear to you that f you don't get up I'll put a bullet between those pretty little eyes of yours" I threatened. She got off of me shaking. I love when people fear me.

     I went to the bar to get me a drink but what I saw was way more

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I went to the bar to get me a drink but what I saw was way more. A girl. Not just any girl, she wa beautiful. Her blonde hair going down to her waist. Her eyes were beautiful. Her dress was fitted and it showed all of her curves. I saw her and I wanted her. " No man don't do it she's to innocent" I heard Gio's voice. "Shut the hell up Gio I get what I want and when I want it. So if I want her I'll get her" I said while staring at the girl.

She was dancing with a boy which made my blood boil. Her dress was short his hand were all over her body. I was sexually frustrated so i left to find Emma.
When I returned she was gone. Her and her friends.
"Hey I'm leaving" I told Gio. "Okay I'll be back at like 3-4 am" he said while a girl was sitting on his lap. Which made me roll my eyes and leave. I was driving until I saw someone walking alone. It was her. My girl. Mi Amore.

Ace's car   I started to drive beside her slowly which I can see it scared her

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Ace's car
I started to drive beside her slowly which I can see it scared her. I stopped the car and I rolled down the window. "Need a ride?" I asked her. "N-n-no thanks" she stuttered. "Get in the car bambola" she ignored me and kept walking which angered me. "NOW.!" I yelled at her. But she did the one thing I hoped she wouldn't do. She ran.

Name: Emma Age: 23Role: Ace's fuckbuddy😂

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Name: Emma
Age: 23
Role: Ace's fuckbuddy😂

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