Chapter 3

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Madison POV:
    As I was walking a car following slow behind. At first I didn't think about but I started to get closer. The car pulled over and stopped. When the window rolled down my eyes widened. He was hot. He had a sharp jawline with chocolate brown eyes. He looked like he was a sculpted goddess.
    I snap out of my car when I heard him ask, "do you need a ride?" Although he was hit I was not gonna let some stranger take me home. "N-n-no thanks" I replied stuttering. " Get in the car bambola" he said sternly but smiling. Ignored him and kept walking. " NOW!" He yelled which made me jump and without realizing it I ran.
I could hear a car door open and slam shut. As I was running I heard foot steps getting closer and closer. When I turned the corner the stopped and that's when I stopped. I know that was dumb of me to stop but I was running out of breathe.
As I started walking again I felt and and over my mouth. I tried to scream but the hand muffled my voice. "Baby, I'm gonna let go you have to promise me you won't scream or you won't like the consequences." I heard him say. I nodded my head with stream of tears falling down my face.
As he let go he faced me. " Now bambola we are going to walk back to the car and you are going to get in willingly like the good girl you are." I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. I heard him sigh and say something under his breath which i think was Italian. He gripped my forearm which cause me to wince and dragged me to his car. "Please.... no plz I want to go home please let me go" I begged. He just ignored me. He pushed me in the car and went to drivers side. As he got in he pulled out something. A syringe! " no. No please don't drug me" I cried. " I have to bambola, I can't have you escaping" he said with a little bit of sadness in his voice. He grabbed my arm and I felt a little prick and my arm and suddenly everything went
30 minutes later

30 minutes later

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Ace's Mansion

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