Chapter 8

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Madison POV
The next day I stayed in bed all day. I was getting bored of just sitting in the room and I decided to get out. I went to the kitchen and saw Gio and Ace eating breakfast. I glanced at Ace but quickly looked away. "Can i have my phone back?" I asked. "Why?" I heard Ace respond. " Because I'm tired of sitting in that goddamn room all day doing nothing!" I argued. "Or I could just hang out with Gio. Ouuu can we take a walk plzzzz" I suggested. "What!?" Gio asked surprised. " what!? You're the only one I actually like talking too" I said. He smiled and looked at a aggravated Ace. " Fine you can get your phone but absolutely no social media and you have to delete all your contacts and add only me and Gio" he said finally agreeing. "Deal" and with that he handed me my phone. " I still want to hang out with Gio" he smiled and turned to me. " well what do you want to do princess" he replied. That always made my cheeks heat up " the fuck did you just call her!? She had a fucking name Gio. Use it." Ace yelled. " Okay......Madison. what do you want to do?" He asked rolling his eyes at Ace. " well do you have a pool I want to swim or go for a walk?" I sounded needy but that was not my intention. " well we do have a pool but you don't have a swim suit." Gio said. " Hey Ace do you have a swim suit?" I asked him. " why in the hell would I have a swimsuit? Especially girl ones" he said dumbfounded. " well can we go buy one..... Gio can come with me plzzzz" I begged. " Fine Gio i swear to god if she escapes sei un uomo morto" he threatened causing Gio to roll his eyes and nod.
(You're a dead man)
  When we got to our destination Gio walked very close beside me. We went to this clothing stores that had all sorts of cute things. I didn't want something today reveling but I wanted a bikini. I decided on a tye-dye bikini set

So much for not revealing I said to my self

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So much for not revealing I said to my self. Gio also got some swim trunks. We went out the shop and went back to the house. I decided to change into the swimsuit and wait for Gio. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me before heading down stairs. When I went down stairs I saw Gio standing there with a shirts and swimming trunks on. " you ready?" He asked with a smile on his face. I nodded. " well then my princess follow me" I fooloed him outside and saw the most beautiful pool ever.

 " well then my princess follow me" I fooloed him outside and saw the most beautiful pool ever

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When we got closer I started to drop my towel and head to the pool. "Whoa" I heard Gio say. When I turned around he was staring holes In me. " what is there something wrong?" I asked worried. " No. No nothing's wrong it's just you look... never mind" he said. When Gio started to take his shirt off I couldn't help but stare. He had the perfect body. Not as good as ace but he basically there.

I forgot I was staring until I heard Gio's voice

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I forgot I was staring until I heard Gio's voice. "My eyes are up here princess" he said walking up to me putting his hand under my chin pushing my head up. " Oh I um I'm sorry" he smirked. "No need to be sorry princess. I know I'm I deniably attractive to you" he winked. My face heat up with embarrassment. " so are we getting in?" He asked. "Yea" I replied and I started to walk towards the edge to jump in that was until Gio pushed me in. " you little shit " I yelled as he was dying of laughter. I was making a pouty face. " oh I'm sorry princess don't be mad" he said. He came to the end of the pool and that's when i pulled him in. Now it was my turn to die of laughter. "I'm impressed" I smiled at him. " well I'm quite good at tricking people" I said back smiling. For the next 20 minutes me and Gio just swam and talked. " I'm getting hungry" I told him. " okay princess I'm ready when you are" replied. " why do you call me princess?" I asked him. " idk bc you are a princess" he replied. I was officially flustered. I wrapped my towel around my body and Gio wrapped his around his torso. I could see his v-line so I took my chance and looked. " Princess you got caught gut red handed once again" he smiled. " if you want something from me all you have to do is say it" he said. I didn't reply. He started walking and I followed behind. When we walked In I saw Ace. He looked at me up and down and finally spoke. " Madison and need to talk to you about something"
"What is it?" I asked concerned. " something that needs to be discussed in private" he replied and started walking up the stairs. I followed behind him. Once we were finally in my room he said. "Drop the towel"
"Uhh what?" I said confused. " Drop.The.Towel." I was getting a little scared. I dropped my towel letting him see the swimsuit . His eyes turned dark and lustful. " Where the fuck is the rest of this thing!?" He yelled. " this is all of it" I replied. " and you let another male look at you while you were barley wearing any goddamn clothes?" He asked a little too calm for my liking. " It was just Gio" I said getting aggravated. " Fine you wanna whore off? Go ahead be my fucking guest!" He yelled. " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" I yelled. " you whoring around with Gio and wearing revealing clothes to what? Impress him.!?" He yelled I tried to explain to him but he didn't give me a chance before leaving and slamming the door on his way out.

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