Chapter 6

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Madison POV:
When he left I slowly got in the tub. I winced when I put my bottom half in the water. I hated him. Not just for 'punishing' but for taking me in the first place. I hated him from taking me away from my friends.
    "Hurry up Madison, you're taking too long" I heard him say.   I washed every inch of myself from his touch. I got out the tub and wrapped the white fluffy towel my body. When I walked out I see him sitting on my bed.
  I gasp seeing him just staring. I ignored his gaze and walked past him into the closet. I found a matching cute velvet pajama set. I closed the door and changed into my under garments and then into my pajamas.

 I closed the door and changed into my under garments and then into my pajamas

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When I walked out he was still sitting there. "We have a party to go to tomorrow" he said. What?what party. I thought to myself. I looked at him and nodded. And with that he left the room.
The next day
I didn't fall asleep til late last night......again. I was nervous for today. How am I suppose to act around a bunch of rich people. Pulling me out of my thoughts I heard a knock in the door. "Come in" i muttered. In walked ace with a tray of delicious food, but I wasn't in the mood to eat. "Eat. So you're not hungry at the party" he said sternly. " I-I'm not hungry" I said. "Eat bambola" he said in a irritated manner. "Fine." I said picking up a piece of toast and eating it. "There. Happy?" I say in a sarcastic tone. "You are really testing my patience. Eat the damn food and when you're done come to my office. And If I came back and there is food on that plate I will punish you much worse than last night." And with that he left and I started eating. Why am I so scared of him. I should stand up for myself more. My thought wandered all over the place.
When I finished my food I went to his office and knocked. " come in" I walked in and he nods for me to sit in the seat in front of him. "You have new rules I need you to follow" he said sitting up in his chair. "Great more rules" i said rolling my eyes. " don't test me, kitten. Rule 1: no leaving my side. Rule 2: no talking with other men. Only if I allow you to. Rule 3: DO NOT embarrass me. And Rule 4: pleas don't get drunk." "Fine whatever" I said. "The party is at 8. It is now 4pm and people to do your make up and hair will be here in a little and I will send your dress and shoes Once your done." He said. " okay am I good to go?" I askEd tired of being in here. " go." He replied and I left.

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