Chapter 11

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Madison POV
I woke up with someone holding my hand. I knew exactly who it was. I kept my eyes closed pretending to be asleep. "I know you are up Madison" I heard him say. I quickly snatched my hand away from him. He sighed in frustration. "Please I'm so sorry please love" he begged. No he doesn't get to beg he deserves to suffer. "I hate you" I said sternly with my eyes still closed. He walked out of the room. I was gonna escape. TONIGHT. I already had an escape to plan I just hoped it would work. I would make him feel pity upon himself. Ask him to go outside the house and try my best not to get caught while trying to leave. I got out I f the bed wobbling a bit I went to the closet and changed into something comfortable.

 I got out I f the bed wobbling a bit I went to the closet and changed into something comfortable

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I went downstairs and I didn't see anyone. I went to the front door which was guarded by guards. I went back upstairs to my room and went to the window. I was on the second floor which was pretty high. I got some sheets and tied them together and threw it down the window. It was enough for me to drop down and not break anything. I went and I climbed out the window. Once I was out I was confident in myself. I went to the gate but then again there were more guards. I went around back to the garden where there was woods. I ran as fast as I could. I was gonna go home. I had no idea where I was. I made sure my phone was fully charged and I called Jess. "Hello" I heard Jess say. "Omg omg Jess please help I don't know where I am I was kidnapped by someone named Ace Vendez" I yelled out of breath. " okay did you say Ace Vendez as in the Italian mafia leader." She said worriedly. " odk Jess please just call someone plea-" I was cut off with someone's hand around my mouth. "Kitten where were you going" I heard his raspy voice. "Please let me go please I wanna go back to Jess" I begged. He fisted my hair and started dragging me back towards the mansion.
Ace's POV
I knew I messed up. I knew she hated me. But I wanted her and I got her. I went back to her room when I walked in she wasn't there. "Madison!?" I yelled. I went to check the bathroom til I saw something through the window. There my little kitten was trying to escape. "Hey I need someone to make sure Madison doesn't get far she escaped and she's in the woods." I said to my earpiece. In ran out side and I saw my men already out there. They surrounded the woods so she wouldn't get far. I walked into the woods hearing a faint voice. I knew it was her. "I was kidnapped by someone named Ace Vendez" I heard her say I walked over to where the voice was coming from. She had her phone up to her ear. Bad mistake kitten. I went silently behind and put my hand around her mouth. "Kitten where we're you going" I asked her. I fisted her hair and I started dragging her toward the mansion. I tried to control myself but I couldn't the devil inside of me wanted to play and I didn't stop him. She was gonna face my wrath weather she likes it or not. Once we got to the house I went down to the basement. I threw her in there. "Strip" I said calmly trying not to get more angry than I already am. "W-what n-no" she stutter. "No? Fine I'll do it myself" I made my way over to her and I straddles her to keep her weight down. I got her too off leaving her just in her bra and I went for her pants. She kept struggling which made me irritated. "Stop struggling or I will get my men to find Jess and kill her. I threatened. She stopped struggling and silently. I removed her pants leaving her in only her matching undergarment.  I walked out the basement into my playroom to grab at leather belt with metal spike on it. I went back down to the basement and saw her curled up in the corner of the room. I rushed over to her and grabbed her the hair and pulled her to the center of the room. I started to whip her.
She screamed and I loved it. I hit her over and over again until she was unconscious. I left her there. I went up to her room and moved it to my room she will be staying with me from now on. I will make her mine. She will be mine. My wife. My children's mother. Even if I have to force it upon her. It will happen.
Madison POV
He whipped me about 100 times. I wasn't keeping count. He was till hitting me I screamed everytime the belt made contact with my my skin. I was slowly falling unconscious until all j saw was black. I woke up trying to stand but I couldn't. I knew I had many bruises and I feel the blood dripping everywhere. I hated him. This hate is indescribable. I started crawling to the door. I couldn't reach the door knob which was more than likely locked. I banged the door begging for someone to come help me.
It's been three days. Three days since he left me bruised up no food. All I got was a glass of water. He liked to see me hurt. My pain brought him pleasure. After about a week the door opened and in walked the devil himself. " get the fuck up" he snarled. I slowly got up wincing at every movement I made. He walked out the door me following behind. I thought we were gonna go to my room but we went to his. "You staying in here from now on and you are not allowed to roam the house or have your phone anymore. You will be a captive." He said looking at me. " And another thing. You will also be my wife and you must carry my children" he said calmly. "No no I won't you can't make me" I said now crying. "The thing is my love, I can make you do whatever I want you to do. So if I say we are getting married than so be it. If I say you are to carry my children. Then you carry them. You got it" I didn't say anything. " Or I can pay Jess a little visit how does that sound" he said. "No please don't I will marry you and carry you children" i said giving in. " good job kitten" he said leaving the room. The only thing I could do was cry. This was my life now. I was a captive. I was owned. I was a slave. And I couldn't do anything about it but accept it.

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