Chapter 13

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Madison POV
Today is the day I get married. Unwillingly of course. Ace has been extra nice to me. Which is making it hard for me to completely hate him.

It's not like he isn't treating me well it's just that he forced me. Maybe if he just approached me and asked me in a date from the start we could be dating and eventually get married.

Bite he chose wrong. " miss are you ready to get ready?" I heard a maid say snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yes do I really have a choice but to be ready"
The maid gave me a small smile.
"Will you tell Ace I need him before we get ready?" I asked
"Uh yes miss." The maid said.
The maid left and I ran a bath. If I was going to get married to this jerk I at least want to relax before hand. "Yes love. You needed me?" I hear Ace's voice.
"Yeah I have a question"
"What is it baby"
" will Gio be there. At the wedding?" I saw him tense at hearing Gio's name.
"Yes. But you are not to talk to him unless I'm around"
"Okay" I whispered underneath my breath.

After I got out the bath. I saw a hair stylist and a makeup artist. In front was a vanity with all sorts of things on it. "Miss would you sit for us please so we can get started?"
"Sure" I walked to the chair and sat.
About 2 hours later they both were finally done with make up and hair and I loved it.

    About 2 hours later they both were finally done with make up and hair and I loved it

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Once I did that I got lost in my thoughts

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Once I did that I got lost in my thoughts. How would things be after. Does he want kids. I've always wanted kid I love them.

About 30 minutes later I started getting into my dress. I will it lie it was beautiful.
Today was the day I would be marrying my love. She asked me if Gio would be there. I clenched my jaw just thinking about him. But ofc he would be there he was bestfriend since we were little.

I wore a black Armani suit with my watch. I couldn't wait to marry her. I can't wait to start a family. We will start one ASAP because I need someone to take my place as the mafia Leader when I get older. I can't wait to have little mini me running around.

The wedding was starting in about an hour. I will make her happy. I will give her what she wants because she is my queen.

There my queen was. Walking down the aisle looking as beautiful as ever. I was so ecstatic.
Madison POV
As I was walking down the aisle I saw Gio. I flashed him a small smile. He returned a sad smile.

"Do you Ace Vendez,take, Madison White to be your lawfully wedded wife" the preacher asked. "I do" Ace said.
"Do you, Madison White, take Ace Vendez to be your lawfully wedded husband". I was silent. I looked at Ace and he glared at me causing me to answer quickly. "I d-do" and with that we slid on each other's rings. "You may now kiss your bride" Ace lifted my veil and kissed me with passion and domination.


Ace said he had a surprise for me. We stepped in the car and drove off. "Sleep love it's gonna be a long drive" Ace told me.
I suddenly started crying realizing Jess wasn't there. "What's wrong love" Ace tried to reach for me but I scooted away. "Love. Not today please" he said sternly with a hint of pity in his voice.
I cried myself to sleep. I was suddenly jerked up. We were
At an airport. "W-where are we going?" I asked nervously.
"It's a surprise baby" he said smiling.

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