Chapter 9

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Ace's POV
I was angry. I was fuming with anger. I was gonnna give Gio a good beating. When I walked into the living room there he was. I went up to him and i punched him repeatedly. " Dude what the fuck is your problem?!" He yelled. " YOU! You are my goddamn problem." I yelled back.  "What the hell are you talking about what did I do this time?" He said in a sarcastic tone. " when we're you gonna tell me you saw Madison basically naked!" I yelled. " bahhahahaha. Bro are you for real right now? She a teenager Ace I can't control what's she wears and doesn't wear and before you go making assumptions no we did not get physical because I know that's what you're thinking" I he yelled. Oh. Was all I could say.  I walked away into Madison's room where she was in her bed staring at nothing. Her eyes were red and puffy I could tell she'd been crying. "Baby I-"
   " Don't call me that. Im a whore remember" she said cutting me off. "Where's Gio" she asked making my blood boil. " Why the hell do you want Gio for?" I asked raising my voice. "Idk maybe I want to "whore" around with him" she said walking out. I went down stairs to see her cupping and looking worriedly at Gio's face where I punched him. Fuck this. I thought to myself. I went back to my room and grabbed my car keys and walked in past  them and left.
Madison POV
I ran down the stairs to check on Gio because I know Ace did some type of damage. I saw Gio with a black eye. " OMG GIO ARE YOU OKAY!" I screamed at him. "Yes princess I'm fine" he said with a smile on his face. I cupped his face and examined his eye. I saw Ace run up the stairs at the side of my eyes. He came back down with his keys and he left. " Well Gio I'm Gonna go to my room I'll talk to you later." I said. " okay princess text me if you need anything" he said. And I left. I decided to clean my room and take a shower. When I got out I decided to watch a movie. Time went by and it was now 11 o'clock. I decided to wait up for Ace so I watch a few more movies. It was now almost 3 in the morning. I was about to go to sleep until I heard the door open and close. I decided to go look and when I went out I saw a drunk Ace. He wasn't by himself though.... there was another woman. My heart shattered. I felt a pant of jealousy hit my heart. I was stuck. I couldn't move. I was snapped out of my thoughts when they started walking upstairs. I quickly ran to my room hoping the woman didn't see me. I couldn't sleep. I heard Ace's groaning and the woman's moans. After an hour I finally fell asleep.
   I woke up the next day remembering what I saw and heard last night. I decided to walk down the stairs seeing Gio. I decided to sit with him while the maid's cook breakfast. " Goodmorning princess" I heard Gio say. " goodmorning" I said back in a dull tone. "Good morning everybody" I heard a girly voice. When I looked up I saw the woman Ace was with last night and then I see Ace tagging along behind her. She looked at me and glared at me. "Well that's my cue" I heard Gio say and he left. He left me I'm gonna kill him. " hey I saw you last night" the woman said pointing at me. " yep! That's me" I said putting on a fake smile. "Ace who is she?" She asked. "Madison Emma, Emma Madison." Ace said. "Well I should go wouldn't want to disturb you and your girlfriend Ace. Do you have any idea where Gio could be also?" I said. Ace glared at me. " ouu he might be in the game room" Emma said. "
Oh thank you Emma" I said faking a smile. And I left. I went to the game room and saw Gio with a headset on. "Ahem" I clearing throat getting Gio's attention. " oh hey princess" he said his eyes on the screen. " hey um why in the hell did you leave me with ace and Emma?" I yelled. "Oh yea I'm sorry about that" he said. "Yea you better be. What are you playing" I asked him. "Call of duty. Wanna play I have another joystick?" He asked. " oh yea I used to play this game all the time with Jess I wasn't the best at it though but before I do I need to get dressed and clean" i said making him nod. I left to my room and when I walked upstairs I heard moaning. Can they like take a fucking breaking. I ignore the sound and went to my room and showered when I got out I changed Into a white and black plaid mini skirt with a white shirt and black leather jacket with see through tights.

 I ignore the sound and went to my room and showered when I got out I changed Into a white and black plaid mini skirt with a white shirt and black leather jacket with see through tights

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I headed back to the game room with Gio and he was still playing. "Hey I'm back" I yelled at the door. " well come on so I can beat your ass in this game" he said making me roll my eyes. After a few rounds of COD, which he won all we just chilled. " I told you I would beat you. You're not a bad player I'm just better" he said bragging about his wins. " yea yea whatever" I said laughing. "so do you listen to any music" I asked. " yes I do" he said. " I wanna hear it" I said. "Haha. No." He said getting back in his phone. "Well can we have please do something because I don't feel like hearing Ace and blondie having sex". I said rolling my eyes. " ouuu someone is jealous." Gio teased. " I'm not jealous I just don't want to hear then having sex every two seconds" I said fake gagging. "Miss. Boss has called you to his office" We heard a maid say. "Okay I'll there in a minute" I said and looked at Gio who had his eye raised.
I went to his office and knocked. " come in" I heard him say. I walked in and he instantly looked up. He looked at the seat in front of him which let me know to sit. " where's your girlfriend" I asked him. He chuckled. " first of all she's not my girlfriend. Second that's not what I called you in here for." He said. " well why am I here then. You interrupted my time with Gio" he said. "I don't care about your fucking time with Gio. I called you here to tell you Emma's staying for a few weeks. And I have a business trip that me Gio and Emma will be going on in two days." He said. " oh wow that's great. The longer I have y'all having sex every fucking night. You might want to check for and std and I hope you all use protection. And you say I'm the whore when me and Gio never did shit and now you're fucking some blonde bimbo" I yelled not realizing what I said. I quickly left the room. I saw Emma walking towards his office from his room. I flashed a fake smile at her and went to my room and slammed the door. God he makes me sick to my stomach. It's not fair I get shamed for "dressing like a whore". And he's the one fucking around like an actual manwhore.

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