Chapter 10

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Ace's POV
She was jealous. I loved it. When she left Emma walked in. Emma was a fuck buddy. Nothing more. Nothing less. "What do you need?" Emma asked interrupting my thought. " we are going on a business trip." I told her not looking up. " okay is that all" she asked coming behind me. "Yes you may take your leave now" I said. She left. I went to go tell Gio that we would be leaving tomorrow and to get packed. When I walked into the gaming room my blood was boiled and all I saw was red.
Madison POV
When I left Ace's office I went back to the game room with Gio. We just sat talking to each other for a while until Gio stopped and just stared at me. "What" I asked getting flustered. "Nothing princess" he said snapping out of his thoughts. "Well I am gonna go to my room or the living room" as I got up so did Gio rushingly. He turned me around and locked our lip together. He kissed me. HE IS KISSING ME! I kissed him back. Stupid... right. We both immediately pulled apart when we heard clapping. " I gotta say I didn't think y'all would have made it this far. Tell me how long has this" he says pointing at me and Gio. "Been going on?" We stood silent. " silence is not an answer. Madison come with me. NOW! And Gio I'll deal with you later" he said angrily. I couldn't move. I was scared. He looked mad but he was acting calmly which scared me even more. He didn't like the silence so he walked towards me and gripped my arm and dragged me out the room. "Please. I'm sorry it just happened" I cried. His grip tightened. " oh baby you are about to face my wrath and it's not gonna be good. You're gonna hate me for it but guess what I couldn't give two shits about how the fuck you feel" he said dragging me to his room. Once we were at he room threw me on the ground. " Time to show you you're mine love" he said while unbuckling his belt. I had a feeling about what was about to go down and I immediately ran to the bathroom. I wasn't quick enough be course when I went to slam the door shut he stopped it. He fisted my hair and threw me on the bed. He went to a side lamp desk and pulled it hand cuffs. He cuffed my hand to the bed post to keep me from moving, but that didn't stop me from kicking. " please please I beg you don't take this away from me" I begged and cried. " I take what I want when I want want it bc it's mine to take. I own it" he said while removing his clothing. Once he was left with only boxer on he got on top of me and he took off my clothes leaving me in my undergarments.  'Beautiful' I heard him say to himself. "Please Ace. Ple-please" I begged. He started to take of my underwear leaving me only in my bra. He positioned himself on top of me. I turned my heard avoiding the devil on me. I felt his hard member on my entrance. "Ahhhhhh" I screamed as he forced himself inside. "YOU.ARE.MINE" he said after each thrust. I felt a warm liquid shoot up in my stomach. I could no longer feel my bottom half. He raped me was all I could think. He took my virginity. I could feel the blood dripping down my leg. I cried. " I h-ha-hate y-you" I said sobbing. " I know baby. But you had to learn. You are mine and no one else's. No one is allowed to touch you except for me and me only" he said. " that's not fair. It's not" I said thinking about the night he and Emma had sex. "You and Emma" I told him shaking my head. " it not fair". " you are mines I was never yours" him saying that made me want to die. I was broken. Used. And abused. I wanted to die.  He got out the bed and into the bathroom. I heard the water running in the tub. He came back with a wet towel and cleaned me up. The blood was all over my legs. " we have to clean you so I ran you bath" he said while picking me up bridal style so nice he did that he placed me in the tub. I kept staring at nothing. I would look at anything but him. I wanted Jess. I wanted Gio. I want any one but him. "I'm sorry" I heard him say. I just ignored him. He started taking more about something. But I wasn't listening.
I'm not proud of myself. I raped her. She begged and I ignored. I'd alway been against rape. Anger just took over my body and I wasn't thinking I was just doing. I saw her kissing Gio and I wanted to make her mine. But instead I broke her. I took the only thing she had left to value. And she was right I wasn't being fair. I had fucked Emma 3 times since she's been here. I broke her heart when I said I was her but she was mine. I cleaned her up because she was bleeding. Once I cleaned her I ran her a bath. I picked her up bridal style. She didn't move it was like she was frozen. "I'm sorry" I said to her but she ignored me. "I don't know what came over me. It wasn't my intention to break you love" I said. She ignored. I heard a knock on the door. I went o open it and I saw Gio. " WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO" he yelled at me. I said something to Gio I'd never thought I'd say. " I'm sorry".
When Ace saw us I knew he was Furious. I went to follow after about 3 minutes. I heard My princess beg him not to do what ever it was he was about to do. I heard him unbuckle his belt which made me think he was gonna beat her. That was until I heard a painful yell and I hear Ace grunt. That bastard. Please tell me he isn't raping her. After  I heard him run a bath and take her in there. " I knocked on the door. Ace opened the door his eyes full of remorse and regret. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO" I yelled at him. " I'm sorry" he responded. Ace was never the one to say sorry, especially after what I'd just did, so it must be that bad. "" I said sternly. "I broke her man" he said. "How the fuck did you break her Ace!" I said now getting angry. " I - umm I ummm....... I raped her" he said making me clench my jaw. I slapped him and I came at him with punches. But he didn't fight back. " WHAT THE HELL MAN WHY. WHY DID YOU DO IT. YOU FUCKING RUINED HER." I yelled.
Madison POV
I heard Gio. I wanted to call his name but my mouth wouldn't open. I wanna die. I slowly start to slip my whole body into the tub submerging my head in the water. About one minute had passed and my head was under water and I started to see black dots. "MADISON!" I heard a voice yell before I fell unconscious.

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