Chapter 5

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Madison POV:
I woke up with the sun shining bright. The event of last night occurred in my head. I missed Jess. I missed Jake and Lucas. Oh god what did I do to deserve this. And suddenly a wave of anger came over me. I ran to the door only to find it locked. "You fucking bastard let me out. Let me go" I yelled and cried. The door suddenly swung open. A man came in. He was about 6'3 he had a dangerous aura around him but his eyes softened when he saw me crying.
    "Please help me" I begged him. "I'm sorry Ace said I can't, princess" he said truly sorry. "why am I here" I said getting angry again.  "I don't know princess, I'm wondering the same thing" he replied. "Are you hungry?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Okay get ready and meet me outside your room door. Okay?" He asked. I nodded. " I need words princess" he said. "Okay" I barley whispered.
   I went into the bathroom and I showered. When I got out I wrapped myself with a towel and walked out the bathroom and into what I assumed was the closest.

 When I got out I wrapped myself with a towel and walked out the bathroom and into what I assumed was the closest

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When I walked in it was huge. I found some jeans and a crop top.

When I walked out the room the man from before was waiting for me

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When I walked out the room the man from before was waiting for me. He looked at me up and down in amaze. " ummm what's your name?" I asked him. " oh I'm Giovanni but you can call me Gio" he replied. I smiled. He offers me a hand and I took it and we went downstairs to a beautiful kitchen.

"Good morning, I'm Malinda" we heard a voice say

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"Good morning, I'm Malinda" we heard a voice say. It was a woman she was cooking. By the looks of it she was a maid. " oh I'm hi I'm Madison" I replied. "Ace, there you are" I heard Gio say. I knew exactly why he was talking about and I didn't look back. Some pulled up a chair and sat besides me. When I looked to see who I saw him. He was staring at me which made immediately turn my gaze away from him. As Malinda was about to serve breakfast I muttered " I'm not hungry anymore" and got up to leave. " Eat.Now." It got quiet and I stopped my tracks and turned around to see a irritated Ace. But I didn't care. He doesn't own me. I'm not a piece of property. So I kept walking. "EVERYBODY OUT!" I heard him yell. " Not you little one" he said referring to me. When everyone left he grabbed me by the neck. " Disobey again and you're getting punished. Do you understand?" He said angrily. I was to shocked to answer and ignored him which angered him even more and his grip on my beach tightening. "Kitten your making me angry so just answer  my question because this is the last time that will ask, Do.You.Understand?" He asked. " Y-yes" I said on the verge of crying. " good Gio will take you to my office in about 30 minutes so we can discuss your rules." "O-okay" I said and with that I went to 'my room'.
30 minutes later
I heard a knock on my room door. "Come in" and I walked Gio. He gave me a heart warming smile which I returned. " you ready?" He asked. Am I ready? No. " yea" I replied. We walking to Ace's office and Gio left. I I knocked and I heard his deep voice say come in.
" Okay you have 3 rules you MUST follow" he said. As he said that he handed me a paper.
• Rule #1: Do as I say at all times do not disobey or disrespect if you do you get punished
•Rule #2: you are not to talk to any other man other than me and Gio and if you do you will be punished
•Rule #3: I own you. You are mines. If anyone touches you and you let them I will kill them and you will be punished
"I'm not an object" I said underneath my breath. " what was that angel?" He asked. I looked up at him shocked. "Oh Um nothing" I replied. He looked at me not believing any word I say. " I want to go home" I told him. This caught him by surprise. "But baby you are home. This is your new home"he said. Suddenly Rage filled my body. " NO ITS NOT YOU SICK FUCKING BASTARD!" I yelled at him. But I soon regretted it when his eyes grew dark and his fist balled up. I stood up and backed away as he stood up and walked towards me. My back hit the door and he kept striding towards me.
His hand connected with my neck, making it hard for me to breathe. "Don't test me bambola. You will get your punishment now" he said. "N-no. Please I'm sorry please no" I begged. " No can do Kitten" He said as he dragged me out of the office.
We walked past a few doors and into a room. It was dark. I assumed it was his room.

 I assumed it was his room

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His room if You forgot

He sat on the bed and pulled me over his lap. "You will receive 20 slaps" he said as I struggled to get off of his lap. "NO PLEASE NO" I cried. He pulled down my pants. "I want you to count, if you don't you'll receive 20 more." He said.
* Slap*
The stinging sensation caused me to wince and scream. "Count." He said sternly. "O-one" I cried.
He lifted me off of his lap and then onto the bed. "Have you learned your lesson" he asked . I nodded. " Words,love" " Yes" I said whimpering.
"Let's run you a bath" he said and walked away into his bathroom. When he came back he carried me bridal style. "You have to undress love" he said softly. I wasn't gonna fall for his lovey dovey shit. "No" I said sternly. "Please love I need to wash you" he said ". "I-I can wash myself" I said. "Bene, sei così fottutamente testardo" He said. And left me in the bathroom by myself. I wasn't complaining though.
(Fine, you're so fucking stubborn).

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