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Jeongguk curls into the sheets, shielding his eyes from the sun with a loud whine. An arm wraps around him and he feels tingles all over his skin at the contact. Lazily, he looks over his shoulder to see who it is.

Taehyung is behind him, still asleep, cheeks puffy and hair splayed over the cream colored pillow. The sun shining through the cream curtains puts a soft orange glow on the already lighter themed room.

It feels like waking up in paradise. Not only their surroundings, but being with the two loves of his life.

He turns over, careful not to wake Taehyung up, wanting to simply stare at the boy's perfect features. Once he gets settled, a small smile finds its way onto his face, fingers reaching up to brush a stray piece of black hair away. Taehyung's hair has gotten longer in the past few months, the ends curling, giving it a much fluffier look than he used to have.

Jeongguk's amazed at how much he feels like they've all changed in such a short amount of time. But when he really thinks about it, it's been five months, so not exactly short. He, himself, has let his hair grow out some, the back reaching down his neck, and the bangs in the front almost completely cover his eyes if he doesn't part them a little. He loves the little waves and the way he can clip his hair back and up. It makes him feel so... himself.

Jimin keeps his hair blonde, though it's become a little less vibrant, turning into a soft dirty blonde. Jeongguk tells the boy he should go back to black and let his natural hair grow out after having it blonde since the beginning of junior year, but Jimin insists on keeping it blonde the rest of high school. The younger two boyfriends don't complain too much, though, as they think the color really suits Jimin, whose baby cheeks are fading a little more and more every day. And the way he's started styling his hair to the side more often also gives his face a slimmer, more matured look.

And looking so up close at Taehyung now, Jeongguk sees that Taehyung's features have also changed slightly. His face isn't quite as slim, cheeks becoming a little more defined by his maturing jawline. Even a hint of facial hair peeks out his jaw, under his ears, threatening to start growing. One thing that surely hasn't changed, though, is Taehyung's intense, sharp eyes. Especially the way they can suddenly turn into big, adorable brown orbs at the snap of a finger.

It's like a magnet, drawing Jeongguk's fingers to trace along the older boy's soft cheek, and to his plump lips. Everything about Taehyung is soft, despite the appearance he has at first. His skin feels like silk, and his lips like cotton candy. Jeongguk imagines the feeling of Taehyung's lips is what it feels like to touch a cloud.

Jeongguk barely even makes contact against the delicate skin before Taehyung's lips turn up into a lazy smile under his fingertips. He gasps, pulling away. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not too long," Taehyugn yawns, turning over to stretch. He smiles softly and looks over at Jeongguk, who's pouting at him.

"You made me embarrass myself."

"No need to be embarrassed, darling."

Jeongguk feels Taehyung's hand back around his waist and the older boy nuzzles into his chest. Jeongguk giggles, nosing at the fluffy hair that's in his face. It always smells like strawberry shampoo.

Then a weight settles over both of their bodies, and they let out simultaneous groans.

"Morning cuddles," Jimin demands in a sort of whiny tone, wrapping his arms around the two younger ones that are already wrapped around each other. "What are we doing today?"

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