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{Trust Me}


When they get to the party, the house is already blasting with loud music and bright colored lights. Jeongguk's eyes widen as he parks and looks at the large, brick house, full of people.

"I-I don't know about this guys..."

"Come on, you can't back out now," Jimin sighs.

"Yeah," Taehyung lays his hand on Jeongguk's shoulder and the boy turns to look at him. "Remember what I told you— we'll protect you, Bambi."

Jeongguk knows they will.

He trusts both of them immensely. But bringing Jeongguk to a party like this is the equivalent of throwing a sheep into a lion's den.

Taehyung knew Jeongguk and Jimin were popular, but walking into the party, he realizes just how popular they really are.

Everyone greet them. Everyone. Even people that he doesn't think go to their school.

The first thing Jeongguk notices are the cups.

His parents always told him that if he even touches alcohol before he's an adult that he will be grounded until he gets married. Though he knows it's an exaggeration, he knows how bad drinking is, so he's never even thought about doing it.

The second thing he notices is that he doesn't even know half of the people here.

"Well, well, well," Jae yells over the music as he and a couple of his friends approach them. "A special appearance by the all-star quarterback himself. You two never come to these parties."

"Parents are out of town," Jimin shrugs.

"I see," Jae smiles wickedly. "Well have fun. Just, please don't take any girls upstairs. I don't wanna have to clean cum stains off my parents' sheets again."

Jimin cringes and Taehyung offers a small chuckle. "Won't happen. Don't worry."

Jae nods his head once before leaning to Jeongguk. "You did good on that field tonight, Jeon."

"T-Thank y-"

"But the game would've been better if you told Coach to put me back on the team," the other boy interrupts, tone painfully hostile and Jeongguk frowns.

"That was out of my control—"

"Nothing's out of your control," Jae says as he leans away, now loud enough for Jimin and Taehyung to hear as well. "You're Golden Jeon. You've got everyone wrapped around your finger."

"Hey man, lay off of him," Taehyung says quickly, slightly pushing Jae away. Jae rolls his eyes, then gives Jeongguk one last look before walking away. "What the hell was that about?"

Jimin groans as he grabs Taehyung's hand. "He's just being petty. Now let's go." Jeongguk bites on his frown as he follows his two friends into the kitchen, where Jimin quickly grabs a red SOLO cup.

Before it can even touch his lips, Taehyung is taking it away. "Not happening! This is way too strong for your first time drinking." Jimin frowns, but Taehyung shakes a finger. "You two are here, you play by my rules."

"What are your rules?" Jimin asks, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not letting either one of you get drunk— tipsy at most. Don't leave my sight. And no... making out o-or touching people," Taehyung explains, grabbing a different cup and taking a small sip of it as a taste test. He grimaces and hands it to Jimin.

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