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{Looks Like Trouble}


Senior year.

It's the end of a huge chapter in life. Signifies the end of childhood and the entrance to adulthood. It's a time for change. To meet new people, try new things, discover new interests. It's painted as "the best year ever" by many. Whether the expression is true or not, varies. For some, senior year fits the classic cliche, the romance and the adventures. For others, it's a stressful time, full of studying and making big life decisions.

For Jimin... it's off to a rocky start when he wakes up to an English bulldog dripping slobber all over his face.

He wipes it off and pushes the dog away, cursing at him. He loves that dog, he really does, but the fat thing can't control the slobber that comes out of his mouth, and Jeongguk's mom insists it's normal for the breed.

Once he's done being disgusted, he sits up on the floor, blankets still wrapped around his legs, and looks up at the brunette sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Jimin can't figure out why Jeongguk made him sleep on the floor. Ever since they met, they always slept in the same bed, and it was fine. But last night, Jeongguk about had a mental breakdown about it, demanding that one of them sleep on the floor. Jimin didn't question his friend's strange behavior since he figured it was probably just a bad day or something.

Either way, he will ask him about it later, after he cools off.

They get dressed and go down to the kitchen, where Jeongguk's mother has breakfast on the table. She greets Jimin as if he's her other son, and it always makes him smile at how welcome he is in the house. Then, they head off to school in Jungkook's black, Ford pickup truck.

Jeongguk is perfect.

Now that may seem like an exaggeration, but everyone knows it's true. He's the "Golden Boy" of the school. Everyone knows and loves him. He's the quarterback for football, the main singer in chapel band, leader of the Mission Team, and the top student. There's seemingly no flaw in him. He is handsome, kind, and has a shy charisma that all the adults adore.

Though, it's Jimin who gets all of the girls' attention. Jimin is a natural flirt, any girl would fall for him in a matter of seconds. It's almost impossible not to fall for his charming smile or his alluring words. He's the Sweetheart of the school.

Jeongguk always envied that. As perfect as he seems, it's hard for him to get the attention of a girl, or at least one that he reciprocates the attention. Maybe it's because he is just too shy to talk to any of them, or maybe because they're all too scared of getting hurt. Jeongguk has only dated one girl before, and that happens to be Aisha, the queen bee of the school.

After a few months, Jeongguk broke up with her, not knowing what reason to give her other than that he just wasn't interested. He was never interested. They dated because everyone expected them to— the most popular girl and the most popular boy. It seemed like they would make the perfect couple, but Jeongguk had been trying to get out of the relationship as soon as it started. His friends finally gave him enough courage to end it, but that didn't stop the rumors from spreading.

Some girls said that he can't handle a relationship because he's too indifferent. His friends told him that he's too scared of girls. Some guys started a joke that he's gay...

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