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{Calm Before The Storm}


Jeongguk rushes up to Yiren, who looks from her locker to him. One look at his face and she knows something happened.

"Oh no."

"Jimin and I are staying at Tae's tonight," Jeongguk says quickly.

"Well happy birthday to you," she smirks, but Jeongguk pouts, lightly slapping her arm. She giggles, closing her locker. "Alright, alright. What's wrong?"

"Yesterday, they were being all mushy and touchy, and I kinda umm..."

"You blew up, didn't you?"

"Little bit," Jeongguk says flatly.

Yiren sighs. "That's what happens when you bottle stuff up."

"I'm nervous."

"About tonight?"

Jeongguk nods and they both begin walking down the hallway to his locker. "Don't be, Guk. This is a good chance for you to just spend some time with them. No parents, no pressure. Stop thinking so much."

"If I stop thinking, I'm afraid I'll do something stupid."

Yiren snorts and shrugs. "Then do something stupid."

They stop walking when they reach Jeongguk's locker and he opens the door, swapping some books for his first class. He and Yiren have been talking every day at school, and even texting some at nights. She always gives him the same advice.

To follow his heart— not his head.

But Jeongguk insists there's an in between. He wants there to be a healthy medium where he can do the right thing, make his parents happy, and get to be happy himself.

Nothing ever fits both requirements.

"Hey so," Yiren starts hesitantly, pulling her book bag around from the one strap she has on her shoulder. She unzips a small front pocket and pulls out a little box, holding it out to Jeongguk with a smile. "Happy birthday."

Jeongguk can't help the smile that breaks out, but he also gives the girl a pointed look. "Yiren, you didn't have to get me anything."

"It's nothing too big, don't flatter yourself," she rolls her eyes and they both giggle a little as Jeongguk opens the box.

A small round, golden charm hangs on a yarn bracelet. The yarn is a twisted braid of red, blue, and yellow with colored beads. In order, the small beads make a rainbow on each side of the charm.

"Yiren," Jeongguk gasps, holding up the charm.

"It's a traditional Korean charm," she giggles as Jeongguk inspects it, smiling wide, "but, in bracelet form."

Jeongguk looks up at her, then back at the bracelet in his hand, and he flips the charm over, seeing the simple word "love" engraved. His smile turns from happiness to fondness, and Yiren grabs his hand, taking the bracelet.

She turns his hand over and wraps the bracelet around his wrist, hooking it on as she talks in a low volume. "This way, you'll feel more confident. It's representative of who you are, and you should wear it proudly."

"Is that why it says love and has a rainbow?" Jeongguk giggles, Yiren breaking out into a smile.

"No one knows what it means for you, Guk. It's a good luck charm."

"Luck for what?"

Yiren shrugs, taking a deep breath and watching as Jeongguk eyes the bracelet on his wrist. "For your happiness... because it's what you deserve."

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