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{Taste of Sin}


"I'll see you after school," Jeongguk says to Jimin at the end of lunch. They don't have any classes together after lunch so they won't see each other until the end of the day. Jimin smiles and waves as he turns around with his soda in his hand. Before he knows it, he's face to face with a chest.

"Shit!" a deep voice mumbles and Jimin looks up to see the new boy, Taehyung.

Shit indeed.

Jimin looks down and sees his soda all over his nice shirt, only a little spilling on Taehyung's leather jacket, but wiping right off. "Damn it," Jimin hisses, running straight for the bathroom to clean it, hopefully before it stains. He stands at the counter, wiping his shirt with paper towels when the door opens and Taehyung stands there, leaning against the doorway.

"We just met and you're already wet for me?" he says. Jimin didn't expect a teenage boy's voice to be so goddamn deep.

"I-I..." Jimin stutters, not even knowing what to say.

Taehyung chuckles, walking over to the blonde. "It was a joke. I'm sorry about your shirt."

"I-It was my fault," Jimin says, "I should have watched where I was going."

Taehyung watches Jimin clean his shirt and suddenly grabs some more paper towels. "Here, let me help," he says, and before Jimin can protest, Taehyung is wiping his shirt with the towels. Jimin stands there awkwardly as Taehyung gets most of the soda off, then stiffens when the boy looks up at him, faces extremely close.

"Um," Jimin clears his throat and steps away quickly, Taehyung stepping back with a small grin on his face. "Come over here," the black-haired boy instructs, grabbing Jimin's wrist and taking him over to the hand dryer. Jimin catches on and holds his shirt under the dryer. Taehyung turns around and leans against the wall, grin never leaving his face.

"Thanks," Jimin says once the dryer turns off and his shirt is dry enough to get him through the rest of the day.

Taehyung smiles at the shorter boy, pushing himself off the wall. "No problem, love." He rasps, making his way to the door. Jimin freezes in his place, face on fire. Why is a boy talking to him like this, and why is it affecting him? Taehyung notices the younger's flustered state and smirks. "You're blushing."

"Well why are you talking to me like this?" Jimin sasses.

"What do you mean, love?"

"Stop calling me love. I'm a boy and you're a boy," Jimin crosses him arms over his chest, but Taehyung just steps closer, dangerously close to Jimin's ear.

"So what?"

Jimin pauses, taking another step back, but his back meets the wall. "I-I... I don't know."

"Exactly," Taehyung points, then pushes off the wall to lean account the sink. "What's your name pretty boy?"

"Jimin," the blonde answers, hesitant. It's not the first time someone has called him 'pretty boy,' but it's the first time it's made him feel something.

"Park Jimin?" Taehyung says and the other nods. He's not surprised Taehyung knows who he is. He and Jeongguk are in the popular crowd, two of the most popular boys in school. He'd be more surprised if Taehyung hadn't heard anything about him. "You're friends with Golden Boy."

Jimin's eyes narrow a little at Taehyung using that nickname instead of his real name. "His name's Jeongguk. And yes. He's my best friend."

"So I've heard," Taehyung takes a step back, eyeing Jimin as he goes back to the door. "See you around?"

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