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"You sound like you're having a lot of fun Jeongguk. I'm happy for you," Yiren says, and though Jeongguk can't see her, he can hear her smile through the phone. And he smiles back, showing the contentment in his voice.

"Thanks, Yiren. I'm really happy too. How's your Christmas break going?"

"It's going okay. My brother's visiting, so it's a little awkward at the house. You know how my dad's a little..."


"Yeah, I guess that's really the only word to describe it," Yiren chuckles dryly.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. At least he keeps his mouth shut about it— for the most part at least. You can just tell he's uncomfortable about it, but sometimes he makes backhanded comments about it. It sucks at times."

"I wish I could give you a hug right now."

"Nu uh, no pouting Jeon Jeongguk," Yiren giggles, and Jeongguk almost gasps.

"How did you know I was pouting?"

"Because I know you. But don't be getting sappy on me. I'm fine. you focus on having a good vacation with your lovers."

Jeongguk pauses at that word. The way Yiren said it was almost in a teasing way, but it still makes the breath get caught in his throat.


It's such a cheesy word, one Jeongguk thought belonged in some cliche romance movie. Which makes it slightly fitting, since everything about his life lately has felt like something straight out of a movie, only, nothing about his situation is cliche. Most love triangles don't end up in polyarmorous relationships.

It's crazy that, despite the consequences he will face for all of this at some point, the idea of the three of them being some cliche star-crossed lovers of some sort, makes him smile against his will. "I-I like the sound of that," he mutters, feeling his face heat up, and he's thankful Yiren can't see him right now to tease him for being so flustered.

"What? Lovers?" Yiren asks, and Jeongguk hums out a yes. "Awww is Jeonggukie in love?"

Once again, Jeongguk gets lost in thought. The thought of being in love rushing back to him from their conversation last night. The idea of what love is and what it means. Jeongguk never would've thought that he would feel himself falling in love with two people— two boys. But he can't even deny how he feels. "I think I might be."

There's a small silence on the phone after those words. So much so that Jeongguk begins to question if the call had ended.

"Wait seriously?"

Jeongguk lets out a small chuckle, blushing as he fiddles with the blanket below him. He lowers his voice, knowing that Jimin and Taehyung are just right out on the balcony, and he would be so embarrassed if they heard him.

"Yes. Yiren, they make me happier than I've ever been. They're the best thing that's ever happened to me. It's weird, though. It's not a sudden spark that makes you realize you're in love, like in the movies. I've just noticed my feelings for them slowly changing— but in a good way, of course. I feel so many more butterflies. I miss them when I'm not with them, even for just a little bit. And I trust them, more than I trust myself. I'd do almost anything just to be with them."

"Wow..." Yiren breathes. "First love. It's magical, isn't it?"

Jeongguk's smile instantly drops. "You say first, as if this is just temporary— like there will be more."

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