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Song recommendation for this chapter: Purple by Deal Casino


"Never shoot the hostage" They say.

But it's not a rule.

There's no "Beginner's guide to triple homicide."

Whoever they were, obviously intended on instilling a false sense of hope within the loved ones of the victims.

I'm smarter than that.


"The water came out brown," I explained to the plumber standing in my bathroom. "I think the pipes might be rusted."

"That's what he said." The old man snickered.

"Come on man." I muttered. Why was every plumber that I called a complete pervert? I've called four already and each of them have made a gross remark!

"You're right they're rusted." He looked at my shower head.

"Well can you fix them? I haven't been able to shower in three days and today is my first day at my new job and I-"

"I can fix them," He interrupted me, making my blood boil.

"Thank god." I sighed in relief.

"But it'll take at least a week."


"Do you want it fixed or not?" The man looked at me with his bloodshot eyes. "I've got other appointments today."

"Fine." I gave in.

"Right, so I'll come back tomorrow and I'll get started then." He nodded and walked out of my bathroom leaving me dumbfounded.

"I won't be home." I followed him out and to my front door.

"That's fine, I'll just check in with the landlord before I come in." He slung his duffle bag of tools over his shoulder. 

I hesitated for a moment.

"Alright, but I'm with the NYPD, so don't try anything." I gave him a warning look.

"I would never." He shook his head excessively. "I will get this done for you Miss..."


"Like Beyonce?"

"Not related in any way but yes, same last name." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Good to know." The plumber opened the door and slipped out.

I rubbed my forehead in exasperation. Why was everything in New York so sketchy?

I walked back to my bathroom, and looked out the window at the beautiful Manhattan landscape. Except the view looked strangely like a red brick wall that was pressed close to the window. I shifted my gaze to the mirror in front of me. My light brown hair looked like it had been dipped in oil. I desperately needed that shower, but apparently it wasn't happening today. I tied my hair back into a tight low bun, and threw on a bit of makeup. I didn't want to put on too much, just enough to look professional.

After putting on a pair of navy blue dress pants and a tight black long sleeved shirt, I was ready to hit the road. I knew that traffic in New York was usually bad, so I took the subway, it would be much more efficient, and it would be cool to experience a real New York subway.

It was not pleasant.

Apparently, being a young, able bodied girl standing alone on a subway was an invitation for men to make disgusting remarks at me. I wished so badly that I'd had my badge on me so that I could've asserted my dominance. I'd spend years of my life imagining what I would do with my first police badge. Where would I keep it? What could I use it for? Who would I show it to first? That last one wasn't valid anymore since I was alone now.

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