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Song recommendation: Dress by Taylor Swift.
It's the chapter you have all been waiting for.

If you know me in real life. No you don't. Don't bring it up.

I'm gonna say this now, there's mature scenes. You can skip it and it won't make a huge difference, but if you are reading it, buckle up.
I'm leaving in two days.

I could not be more scared.

I don't let it show though. I'm not the type to displace my fears onto other people.

Niall was a different story though.

This boy had been pacing around the bullpen, obnoxiously clicking pens, and forgetting the simplest of tasks.

"Hey Horan could you grab me a coffee while you're down there?" I asked as he walked to the elevator.

"On it." He nodded.

He came back and handed me a bagel.

"This is the weirdest cup of cold brew I've ever seen." I admired the bagel.

"Oh my god." He realized his mistake. "I'm sorry, I'll take it back."

"Niall," I grabbed his hand. "You can't take a bagel back to the restaurant." I pursed my lips. "It's okay though. I don't like to mix caffeine and alcohol."

"Planning on drinking tonight?" He looked down at my hand that was still holding his.

"Anything to forget about Saturday." I laughed.

"You don't have to-"

"Yeah I do." I stopped him. "But it'll be fine. I'll be careful and Payne will be keeping an eye on me the whole time."

"Right." He nodded and went back to his desk.

Things between the two of us were kind of weird. We never settled on anything because I knew I was leaving for a while. It was just whatever we were feeling. Co-workers who were insanely attracted to each other.

Tonight was my going away party. We were going to a fancy restaurant because I guess I was too classy for a house party. I'd gone over to Zara's place again to get ready.

We walked into the restaurant with a sort of power that I've never held before. My hair was pin straight, cascading down my back, brushing against my shoulder blades as I walked. I wore a deep red satin dress. I didn't have very long legs, so the dress was short. I wanted to make a lasting impression on my last night in public. Zara had borrowed me some accessories like some rhinestone barrettes to hold my hair back, and a pair of diamond earrings. I was wearing high heels, so I was trying my hardest to not trip over anything.

As soon as Zara and I walked up to the table, I caught Horan's eyes. His gaze travelled from my face, down to my shoes, and back up with a devilish grin plastered on his face.

He looked good too. He was wearing a grey plaid suit. One of my favourites of his. He had a white button up on underneath, with the top few buttons undone. He was growing a bit of stubble along his jaw. It made him look older, and a little more rugged. He looked hot.

"Carter." Malik smiled at me.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I said politely as I sat directly across from Horan. Zara sat between me and Tomlinson.

"Hey babe." He kissed her on the cheek lightly as she sat down.

"So we all know why we're here," Payne looked around. "And we're not going to talk about it!"

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