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Song recommendation: Snaggletooth by Vance Joy


My wing was like what I imagine a palace would feel like.

Remember when I lived in the equivalent of a soggy cardboard box in downtown Manhattan? This made me forget all of it. The space that I had to myself was nothing like anything I'd owned before, even if the only two places I'd ever lived in on my own were my college dorm room, and my dreadful apartment.

In my wing there was a personal living space. There was a flat screened tv sitting above a stone fireplace, brown leather couches, and fully stocked bookshelves, which was everything that I would've had back home. There was a small office space that was set off to the side. There was a computer to work at, the stationary had been stocked up, almost as if they'd planned for my arrival.

The main feature however, was the bedroom. I opened a set of French doors to reveal a princess bedroom. Not some Disney Princess wonderland that you'd find in a six year old's imagination though. This was a room for royalty. The bed could've fit at least five people, I'm not sure how I could manage to sleep there on my own without it feeling empty. There was a note left on the silver silk sheets, next to the nightstand that had a vase of flowers and a box of Swiss chocolates placed neatly on top. I walked over to read the note written cleanly in black ink.

Welcome to the family Arabella. Make yourself at home.

- Joaquin, Naomi, Victoria, Nicholas, Winston, Mikayla,

And quickly scribbled in blue pen beneath:

Felicity and Brielle.

I folded the note and placed it beside the flowers. They were an assortment of colourful flowers. Purple, yellow, pink, white. Carnations, Dahlias, wild roses. I wasn't sure how long they'd last, but they were pretty, they smelled nice, and I was happy that the McBride's were kind enough to be hospitable, even if they killed people for money.

'That's a massive bed.' Niall said to me.

"I know." I nodded while pulling some of my bags over to the closet.

'That would've been helpful on a specific night for the two of us.'

"Oh shut it."

'Can you imagine Philly? The things I would do to you in those sheets.'

I could imagine. Very vividly in fact. It was a great way to pass time.

"I hope you're not at work right now." I told him.

'I'm most definitely at home. You wanna know what I'm doing?'

Do I want to know what he's doing? What if it's gross? What if he's actually just a huge pervert and every thought I've ever had about him has just been completely wrong? Is my perception screwed?

"Of course I do." I replied anyway.

'I'm currently trying to figure out how to make cold brew.'

"What? You don't drink cold brew." I furrowed my eyebrows as I continued to unpack my bags, hanging outfits up in the closet, organizing them by colour.

'I'm practicing for when you get home.' He laughed. 'It hasn't been going too well. The first time I added way too much coffee and everything in my fridge smelled like a Starbucks.'

"What are you going to do with all that coffee?" I wondered.

'I'll save it for you.'

"Oh Niall." I laughed.

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