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Song recommendation: SOS by ABBA

This case was finally rolling, thank god. It had been weeks since anything good had happened to my coworkers and I. It had been injury after injury, argument after argument but now, we had a clear end in sight. I was working with the McBride's, Niall with the Arellano's, Harry with the Roach's, and everything would be fine if we kept Julian in check, which had somehow been working. He hadn't asked us to go on a call in quite a while, and he'd let me off the hook with Lucille. Apparently she wasn't knocking off as many guys as she used to. I don't know what made her change her ways, but it was less work for me.

For once in the past seven months, Julian was leaving us alone. Either things were going really well for us, or something terrible was about to happen.

I was prepared for the worst.

I had just come back from the gym. Even if I was undercover, I still had to keep in shape. I had no idea when I needed to be in action, so I kept training as much as I possibly could. I walked into the McBride Mansion, sweating my ass off, but also freezing from the cold November air. Being in a cold sweat was one of my least favourite feelings. It made me feel like I was a soaking wet, stinky, greasy, mess. Not cool. I felt really ugly at that moment.

I avoided most of the servants in the foyer, and booked it up to my wing. I opened the door to find Harry and Niall sitting on the couch, watching a movie with open beers in their hands and a bag of Doritos sitting between them. They munched on their snacks as I walked in with my gym bag hanging over my shoulder. The two boys had their eyes glued to the screen. They didn't even turn their heads as I walked through the living area.

"Oh hey Philly! Nice to see you!" I spoke sarcastically. "Good thing you're not a serial killer breaking into our room! Those are super rare around here in this mafia house."

"I knew it was you, don't worry." Niall sipped his beer, not looking at me.

"How the fuck would you know it's me if you haven't taken your eyes off the tv?" I crossed my arms, sitting into my hip, speaking as if I were scolding a moody teenager.

"By your footsteps." He shrugged. "You've got a very distinct walk." He emphasized the 't' sound on 'distinct'.

"Huh?" I frowned.

"You don't make a lot of noise when you walk, but your runners have foam soles so there's a little slapping sound when you take a step on the hardwood. Like a little duckling." He explained nonchalantly, like this was common knowledge. "You also somehow manage to avoid every creaky board. No creaks? Ding ding ding! It's Philly!"

"Sometimes I forget that you're not an idiot. Why do I do that?" I shook my head with a sigh.

"Because my fingers are stained orange with dorito dust." He still wouldn't take his eyes off the movie.

"And you," I shifted my attention to Harry. "How come you didn't turn?"

"Niall didn't, so I didn't." He shrugged lazily.

"That's your logic." I stared at him in disbelief. "He's your gauge for danger?"

"Listen kid," Harry finally turned around to look at me. "We both look like we just finger banged some oompa loompas, and we're shamelessly watching Happy Gilmore. We wouldn't survive without each other. Ni and I share two collective brain cells, and he happens to have the stronger one. Yes I gauge danger off of him."

"How many drinks have you had? I squinted, basing my accusations off of the fact that his floral pattern shirt was fully unbuttoned, and he was making sexually suggestive jokes about oompa loompas.

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