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Song recommendation: All The Good Girls Go To Hell by Billie Eilish


Every day that I spent in the Roach house was worse than the last. I felt like an outsider -which I obviously was- but Styles was treated like he was a part of their family. Even back at the precinct his charm was undeniable and everyone liked him. He was the perfect man in their eyes. They didn't know any better. There were even situations where we'd been in court, testifying against a perp, and their wives would be making eyes at him while he was up at the podium. I'm not sure if he ever acted on it, and if he did, good for him.

It frustrated me that I could be so exceptional as a detective, but absolutely shit at playing the part of a rich city girl. I should've been better at this. I grew up in Portland, and we were wealthy. We didn't have money to the same extent as the Court of Four Thorns, it wasn't overly extravagant, but we had enough to send both Adam and I to private school. I was taught table manners and every day etiquette, we often went to formal dinners and gatherings. I could be a rich girl, I had been a rich girl, but making friends is where I draw the line.

I shouldn't have resented Styles for being so likeable, it was furthering the case, he was getting intel. There was just a voice screaming in the back of my head saying that I should be the one doing that. A quiet scream that was somehow also deafening. This was my case after all. I was the one who brought it to the rest of the squad. I wasn't about to only have a minor part in this massive case.

"Niall what do I do?" I sat on my bed with a handheld mirror in front of me, coating my eyelashes thickly in mascara. "I'm not getting any information here."

'Are you asking me for help? Are you sick?'

"Is that not why you're here? Give me some advice buddy." I sighed in exasperation, I didn't have the energy for his bullshit right now.

'Okay well Uh...' He thought for a minute. 'I think you need to get out of the house for starters. Lucille hates you.'

"Understatement of the century." I scoffed.

'How could anyone hate you?'

"I hope you realize that this is coming out of your mouth, and approximately three weeks ago you were screaming at me in an office."

'I was a different man back then. I've matured.'


I could hear the eye roll through the mic. 'You've got to move out to another house. We technically could bring you back for a week and we could cover it up by saying you're visiting Nathan, when in reality, you'd be visiting me.'

"No." I shook my head. "I suggested that to Styles before I was sent out and I understand why he said no. We're way too close to the precinct."

'We can be really discreet about it. I promise.'

"I know you're just saying this because you want me back home, but I have to stay here. We haven't even made a dent in this place."

'I'm just worried about you-'

"Of course you are." I interrupted him. "Stop it."

'You've already made an enemy.' He sighed. 'Please don't get mad at me for saying this-'

"Oh that's a great set up."

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