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Song suggestion for this chapter: burning pile by mother mother


"If you'd gone the rest of your life believing it was really an accident, I'd be rolling in my grave my dear."


My shower is still broken.

The plumber I'd hired was shit at his job, and I was debating whether or not I should just fix it myself. Youtube exists, and I'm capable of following instructions. I decided against it when I attempted to take off the shower head. I couldn't. I guess a shitty plumber was better than a clueless kid.

The subway ride was getting easier, considering I'd left my badge visible. Creepy men stayed away from me, and uncomfortable women stayed close to me. That was such a gratifying feeling, knowing that people felt safe and protected.

Today was just as sunny as the last. I walked out of the subway and to the precinct. I'd had some extra time before briefing, and the pungent smell of coffee filled my nose. I followed that smell, and it lead me to a small café attached to the precinct. It was like a madhouse in there. All the uniformed officers, detectives, and civilians were at tables, drinking their morning coffee. To my surprise, there was no line up to actually order the coffee. Everyone had gotten there before me.

"Hello." The young girl working at the register smiled at me as I walked up. She looked around my age.

"Hi," I looked up at the menu. I had no clue what I wanted, what if I didn't like any of these new fancy drinks? I'll keep it simple today. "Can I have a black coffee please?"

"What size?" The girl tapped her screen.

"Uh, medium?" I said unsurely.

"Sounds good." She sighed in relief. "Thank you for making my life easy."

"Is it just you working?" I asked in shock.

"Not usually, but today I am." She started making my coffee.

"That's insane." I shook my head. "There's so many people here. How do you manage?"

"I've worked here since I was sixteen. Most of these people have been getting the same thing every day. I know their orders by heart." She poured the coffee into the cup. "But you're new here." She handed me the cup. "What's your deal?"

"I'm the new detective upstairs." I explained. "Thanks."

"You mean you get to work with them?" She gestured over to a table where I saw Styles and Horan sitting with that one loud guy from yesterday. They seemed to be laughing about something Horan had said. I don't know how that was even possible.

"Unfortunately." I sighed. "It's only my second day though."

"You'll get used to them. I've known them for years now." She laughed. "Anyway, should I jot down your order for tomorrow?"

"That would be great." I nodded.

"I'm Zara by the way." She smiled.

"Ophelia." I replied.


"My Grandmother."

"Pretty." She nodded. "Have a nice day! Good luck on everything!"

"Thank you." I grinned politely before attempting to sneak out of the shop without anyone seeing me.



I slowly turned around to see Styles waving me over.

"Come sit with us. There's still fifteen minutes until briefing."

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