Unlucky? (Demigod meets Mortal)

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Crystal Amaree Love (PoV for Chapter; Demigod)

Artemisia Canna Craine (Mortal; Description as Follows)

Name - Artemisia Canna Craine

Age - 17

School - Goode High School

Appearence - Blonde hair that fades to brunette, amber eyes, athletic features

Personality - Kind, sweet, caring

Demigod(s) he/she meets - Percy Jackson and Crystal Love

Feelings towards Demigods - Friends

Situation - Harpy attacks school

Other - Can see through mist



Crystal A. Love


I smiled up at my older half-brother, Percy, as we walked through the front doors of the school. He smiled back. I looked around the school, a line cleared ahead, like usual, and then I saw a new girl standing at the front desk.

I tugged on Percy's sleeve. "New girl, I'ma go show her around," I said, pointing to her. "Tell Ms. Clarkson I'm helping a new student."

He grinned. "Go do your thing, Crys," he said, pushing me towards the desk.

"Percy!" I heard a flirtatious voice call after I had walked away. Bridgette.

I turned towards him, giving the look that says Tell me if you need help.

He shook his head in response, in which I raised my eyebrows. I Thought to him, Are you sure? Don't screw up. I don't want Annabeth killing you.

I'll be fine. Go help the new girl. He nodded towards her, so I turned around as I saw Bridgette try to make a move. I pushed it out of my mind, so I just walked towards the mystery new girl.

I came up behind her and tapped on her shoulder. "Excuse me?" I said politely.

She jumped then turned around. "Oh! Hi!" she said, catching her breath. "You scared me."

I laughed at her and smiled. "Don't worry, that happened on my first day too," I said sympathetically. I looked at her beautiful hair.

She noticed my gaze. "I've had this since I was born," she said, holding it in her hand. "The length and color I mean."

I blinked for a second. "Sorry, just..." I trailed off. "I know a girl that has blonde hair and she's kinda like my sister. I miss her."

She frowned, then put her hand on my shoudler. "Sorry."

"It's okay." I thought about why I came over, then shook my head. "Anyways, you're new here, right?"

She grinned and grabbed her stuff of the counter. "Yeah!" she said cheerfully. She shuffled through her stuff. "It's kinda hard here."

I laughed again, then smiled. "I have a feeling you'll fit in here." The tardy bell rang, and I turned to Mrs. Lanth. "Mrs. Lanth, may I have a tardy pass for..." I quickly checked her schedule and saw it was the same teacher. "...Umm, may I have two tardy slips for Ms. Clarkson?"

She looked up, then smiled at me. "Sure, Crystal," she said, scribbling on two slips. She handed them to me. "Don't be too late."

"Thanks!" I put my hand on her shoulder and led her to the classroom.


Lunch Room


I stood there, waiting as Arty grabbed her lunch. (It is so weird having a friend who is named after a Goddess. Especially one you are good friends with.)

She walked over to me with her lunch tray. "Okay, where do we sit?" she asks, surveying the area. "I don't suppose you're that kid who has to sit on the floor like in the movies."

I giggled. "No, I'm actually the opposite." I spotted Percy waving from the other side. I pointed in his direction. "There! Follow me."

She followed me as I walked over and sat down, with her sitting between me and Percy. "Hey Perce, this is Ar-" I said just as me and Arty are shoved out of our seats, onto the floor, and replaced by Bridgette and her big purse.

"Hey Percy," she says, batting her eyelashes.

"Um, excuse me, Bridgette," he says, standing up to help us up.

"Why would you hang out with them?" she asks, sneering at us. "They are hideous. Especially the blonde one. Her hair. Ugh."

"Excuse me?" I say, standing up, glaring daggers at her.

"Oh shut up, Love," she grumbles at me.

"Make me."

She smiles falsely at me. She leans over, grabs a bowl of tomato soup, and dumps it on me. Her friends, Carey and Sammy do the same thing to me.

I cough, and pull back the urge to zap her.

I hear an Ooh rise up from everyone around.

I stand there, humiliated, and covered in tomato soup. I blink a few times then wipe it from my eyes.

Percy grabs a glass of water, then sets it down, it somehow soaking Bridgette. Somehow.

"Ugh!" she screeches, drenched, like she just jumped in a pool. She runs away, leaving her designer purse.

I hold out my hand, then snaps. She yelped, her hair now dry and steaming.

I restrain a laugh after seeing her freak out, when we just hear the shrill of a shriek. Percy and I look around, and see a Harpy fly through the window.

Everyone screams and runs out of the room. Except Arty, who just sits there, watching.

We grab our pens and turn them into swords and prepare to attack. "Arty, get out of here!" I yell, rolling to the side as the Harpy swoops down for me.

She finally blinks and runs under a table, obviously wanting to watch this. I stand up next to Percy, and say, "Toss me into the air."

He raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

I nod. "Definitely." He picks me up, and as soon as the Harpy is above us, he tosses me. I grab her feet and pull her down, restraining her on the floor. "Percy, do it."

He walks over and stabs his sword into it's head, sending gold dust flying everywhere. Arty slowly comes out, her face shocked. 

I walk over to her. "Are you okay?" I ask, putting a hand on her shoulder. My sword turns back into my pen and I put it in my pocket.

"That. Was. AWESOME!" she squeals, excited. "What was that thing? And those swords?"

I send a glance at Percy, who seems just as confused as I am. "You saw all that?"

She nods eagerly, and I smile. "We have a lot of explaining to do," I say, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "But first, let's go get some McDonalds. I'm starved."


Hey people, quick ending author's note here.

So my new book, You Tube, I kind of need characters. I know, I'm bugging you about it. But, if you want, I can post a pre-Minecon chapter of just Braelynn getting Minecon passes and stuff. 


All you have to do is create one! <3

Thank's for putting up with my rambling.

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