One Shot (Proposals)

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Beware of what I may have up my sleeve! Mwahahaha!!!


One day, the boys from the Seven were talking in a group when their girlfriends, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque, and Crystal Love walk over.

They turn around, then lead their girlfriends in different directions, the boys looking over their shoulders, nodding with encouragement.


Leo Valdez x Crystal Love


He lead his icy cold girlfriend to Bunker Nine, smiling and giving himself a pep talk. He led her inside, and sat her down on a stool, running off to get something (or so he says).

In a few short minutes, flames burst out of no where, making the words Crystal Love, will you marry me? with Leo sliding on one knee out of no where with a ring.

She throws her hands up to her mouth then nods, smiling to herself.


Frank Zhang x Hazel Levesque


The son of Mars and daughter of Pluto walked side by side in the forest, Frank fiddling with something in his pocket.

He seems nervous about something, Hazel thought to herself. He kept looking at the ground.

"What's wrong, Frank?" Hazel asks her boyfriend, smiling warmly up at him.

"Huh?" He looked down into her eyes, then weakly down at her. "N-Nothing," he stammered. "I-I mean..."

"You should really get better at lying," she joked, slipping her fingers through his. "Otherwise, you will never be able to keep a secret."

"U-Uhm..." he stuttered, pulling something out of his pocket. He stopped Hazel, then got down on one knee.

"Hazel Levesque, will you marry me?" he asked slowly.

"Yes!" she cried, smiling happily. She held her left hand out, allowing him to slip the ring on.


Jason Grace x Piper McLean


The son of Jupiter grabbed his girlfriend's hand and took to the skies, allowing the wind to wisk them away.

He flew the daughter of Aphrodite onto a cloud, where he allowed the wind to let her sit on a cloud.

He flew around in circles, with Piper laughing at his stupidity.

"What are you doing, Sparky?" she asked, trying to stop laughing.

"Ya know, I really don't like your last name," he blurted.

Piper scrunched her eyebrows. "What?"

"Ya know, McLean. I don't like it. You should change it," Jason said.

Piper turned around, feeling tears in her eyes. "To what?"

"Grace." She spun around, to find Jason on one knee with a ring.

She gasped, and grinned. "I think I like Grace better. I'll go with that."


Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase


Percy walked his girlfriend, the daughter of Athena, over to the dining pavilion, when Annabeth's stomach grumbled.

"I guess I'm hungry," Annabeth shrugged. "Can you get me something to eat, Seaweed Brain?"

"Sure, Wise Girl," he smiled in response. Everything was going to plan.

He ran over to the fruit bowl, picked up an apple, and tossed it to Annabeth.

Everyone went silent.

"Uh, P-Percy," she stammered, looking at the apple, "Did I ever tell you that back in Greece, throwing an apple to a girl means a marriage proposal?"

He smirked, and replied with a sassy, "Of course. Do you want the ring too?" while getting on one knee.


One more to go!!

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