Nikki Grim Hope

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Welcome to the first official part! Sorry for the slow updates, I've just been busy with school. Anyways, this dedication goes to Texanabby510 for being my first commenter! :D

Here was the Demigod OC Form they created;

Name - Nikki Grim Hope

Age - 17

Godly Parent - Hades

Appearance - Long black hair to waist, freckles, tall

Personality - Reclusive

Dating - No one

Meets - A slutty mortal named Jane (No offense to anyone who's named Jane; I like the name personally.)

Situation - School

Other - No Mist

Hope you like this one!

(P.S. I wrote this as a Demigod Meets Mortal form, so don't get it mixed up.)


Mortals Meet Demigods - First Demigod - Nikki Grim Hope meets Jane


So many things had happened during the summer. I had been attacked by an empousa and moved to Camp Half-Blood, forced to live among a bunch of demigods for the summer, claimed by Hades, then I had to go back to school during the year.

Yeah, I'm a demigod child of Hades, so what?

Anyways, I'm Nikki Grim Hope, daughter of Hades, a tall, pale girl with waist-long black hair and lots of freckles. I hate being around people, so I usually spent my free time at school in the one place no one really goes; the library.

Every single day had the same schedule;






Free Period

then ELA (English Language Arts).

Afternoons were horrible, 'since those were the classes Jane had with me.

Let me describe Jane for you. She's a tanned, skinny brunette with a face full of makeup and a body always dressed with these expensive designer clothes, wether it was a dress or a shirt and a shirt. Basically described as the 'I'm-too-rich-for-anyone-else-in-this-school-so-I'll-just-wear-rich-clothes' girl. She's also a total slut. She gets one 'boyfriend' for a week, sleeps with him, then goes for another guy.

Let's just sum that up by saying, she's really annoying.

During the summer, apparently Hecate had been captured and had her powers stripped away temporarily, and a demigod was fighting a monster a few days after. There was no Mist. The mortals were in shock at the monster, and one of them video-taped it, then posted it on YouTube. Well, the press saw it, and in a week, everyone knew about demigods. Some of the older demigods and the gods are trying to find Hecate and save her, but in the meantime, us demigods have to be careful.

Anyways, one day, I was sitting in the Library, just thinking about life, away from everyone, when the door swings open, and Jane walks in with her followers Christy and Sammy, each of them having their phones out.

"Hi Nikki-Wikki," they cooed once they saw me.

"Leave me alone," I grumbled, trying to grab my stuff to leave.

Jane grabs my arm and pushes me into my seat, then puts her phone on the table. "Know anything about this?" she asks, glaring at me.

I watched the video of the demigod on her phone for a few seconds then shook my head casually. "Nope, nothing," I responded, grabbing my stuff.

Suddenly, the librarian walked over to put a book away, muttering, "Sssstupid demigodssss."

I didn't take notice of it for a second, but then it hit me. She just hissed the 's'.

Only an empousa hisses an 's'.

She was gonna attack me.

I looked up at her, right when she leaped over the table and tackled me.

"Hello, child of Hadessss," she hissed in my ear.

I looked desprately over at my bag, trying to reach it, but the monster knocked it out of my reach.

She tried to claw my face, but I moved my head at the last second. "My bag!" I yelled, glaring at the three mortals watching in horror. Sammy kicked my bag over to me, and the sword clattered out. I swiped it up, and in one quick movement, stabbed it into the empousa's back. 

She screeched then exploded into golden dust. I got up and dusted myself off, then watched Jane, Christy, and Sammy fall to their knees, crying for mercy.

"Leave me alone," I said, grabbing my things and leaving the library.

They did leave me alone for the rest of the year.


Hope you liked!

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