Quincy Jon Iversquid (Demigod Perspective)

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Wassup!!! (I think I've lost my mind at this point.)

Anyways, I have a new character, and he was created by Ivesquid, so yeah! He created a demigod, and I created a demigod off that, so... I will seperate the two forms.

Ivesquid's Demigod Form

Name - Quincy Jon Iversquid

Age - 16

Godly Parent(s) - Poseidon

Appearence - Athletic, average-height, normal dirty-blonde hair, blue stormy eyes

Personality - funny, social, friendly

Relationship With - Cynthia Love (This is the name he requested, this is the character I created. IMAGINATION!)

Mortal he Meets - Weird homeless guy named King - bearded man that can see through the Mist, owned a taco stand, everyone avoids him because they think he is insane

Demigods he Meets - Percy Jackson (Half-Brother), Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Leo Valdez, Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo

Situation - Meets King after fighting a monster in the street

Other - Likes to read, used to play videogames before CHB

My Character Is -

Name - Cynthia Love (Crystal Love's Cousin)

Age - 16

Godly Parent(s) - Apollo and Aphrodite - Descendant of Athena

Appearence - Blonde with brown streaks, five feet tall, tanned, athletic, purple eyes

Personality - wise, social, leader

Relationship With - Quincy

Mortal she Meets - N/A

Demigod(s) she meets - Same as Quincy's

Situation - Helps Quincy talking to King after helping him defeat a monster

Other - Blessed by Artemis and Hecate, charmspeaker, great at archery, running, smart, fashion, magic, controling the Mist

Hope you enjoy!!


Quincy Jon Iversquid meets King (Demigod meets Mortal)

Quincy's Perspective

WARNING - Sorta-Short Chapter!!


Oh gods, he was late again.

He raced down Fifth Avenue to get to McDonalds to go meet his friends, but it seemed like Kronos had slowed down time.

He took a quick shortcut down an alleyway where he came face-to-face with a cyclops. His disgusting smell, eye and all.

He unsheathed my clestial bronze sword just as he slapped it from my hand, causing it to skid away a couple feet. He approached him quickly, then grabbed his throat and lifted him into the air.

"Hey kid!" someone called, throwing him his sword. Easily he caught it, then stabbed it into his arm. He threw him onto the ground, when a silver arrow comes out of no-where, nailing him in the nose.

He spun around, then saw the golden haired, purple eyed girl standing there, holding a silver crossbow loaded with arrows.

"Hey fattie!" she called, waving her arm that had nothing in it in the air. "Over here, stupid!"

He grunted and turned to her, crying a war cry, then running at her. She fired her arrows at him, then when he got closer to her, she grabbed her sword, then dug it into his neck, turning him to dust. Silver arrows clattered to the ground, and she grabbed them and put them in her quiver.

She approached me, then held her hand out. "You okay?" she asked.

He took it and pulled myself up. "Fine. I think," he admitted. "I think I'd be dead if you hadn't come when you did."

She smirked, then pulled out one of her arrows and twiddled with it. "Crap," she muttered.


"It got bent, and it's magic is leaking."

He rolled his eyes. "I swear, sometimes you care more about those than anything else, Cynthia."

She laughed, then tucked it into her pocket, after shrinking it and putting it in a plastic bag. "You know me, Miss I-Love-My-Arrows-More-Than-Anything-Else."

"Hey, lovebirds!" a voice cried from somewhere down the alley. They turned around to see a homeless, smelly mortal running up to them. "What was that?!" he exclaimed.

The two demigods glanced at eachother. "What exactly did you see?" Cynthia asked cautiously.

"Oh, nothing much, other than two half-bloods almost getting killed by a cyclops," he said while rolling his eyes.

Quincy's eyes widened. "You know about us, and you can see through the Mist?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"Of course. My name's King, and I live in this here alley. Your names?"

Cynthia grinned, putting her arm down from lifting her crossbow. "My name's Cynthia, and this is Quincy. He's a son of Poseidon, and I'm a daughter of Apollo and Aphrodite." Quincy muttered a 'Hi' to add in.

King looked at Cynthia weirdly. "Aren't you considered a minor-goddess, being a child of Olympians?"

She sighed, as if she had to explain that to everyone. "I born from a mortal, so I'm kind of like my cousin, Crystal Love."

King's eyes widened to the size of half-dollars. "You have royal blood?"

"Kind of," she responded.

Quincy looked like he was about to burst, and before they could continue, he butted in. "Listen, King, we gotta go," he said, pulling Cynthia back. He pulled a bag out of his pocket, and shook some drachmas out and put them in his hand. "Go to the nearest Walmart, and show this to customer service. They'll let you buy anything."

King smiled at the,. "Thanks, kiddo," he said. "Cya around." He walked behind a dumpster, while the two halfbloods walked to go meet their friends.



I've been so busy with school recently, and I'm uploading this while I'm sick so.... Yeah! UGH!

I hope all of you enjoy, since I worked SUPER hard on this! I will get to making any other chapters right now!


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