John meets Harmony

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This is just a couple of characters I made myself, so techically, this dedication goes to myself!! Here are the forms;

Demigod OC

Name - Harmony Lana Caren

Age - 15

Godly Parent(s) - Apollo, Hunter of Artemis

Appearance - Blonde, golden eyes, tall, athletic looking, tanned

Personality - Social, happy, smart

Relationship With - N/A - Huntress

Mortal They Meet - John Samuel McCarn

Situation - At school, last day

Other - N/A

Mortal OC

Name - John Samuel McCarn

Age - 16

School - Eastood High School (I have no clue if this is a real school or not!)

Appearance - Brown hair, muscular, tanned, brown eyes

Personality - Greedy, vain

Demigod(s) he/she meets - Harmony Lana Caren

Feelings Towards Demigod - Crushing

Situation - School, last day

Other - Jock

Hope you enjoy this one!!


I liked Harmony Caren.

Yeah, that's right. And she would be mine.

Oh wait, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm John Samuel McCarn, the hottest, most popular guy in Eastwood High. All the ladies love John.

Except for Harmony.

See in my eyes, she's the most beautiful girl ever. She's a tall blonde with golden eyes and a tan. She's the best archer on the school's archery team.

And anytime someone asks her out on a date, she declines. Saying, "My parents don't want me dating until I'm 18, and I'm fine with that." Then she walks away.

Her group of friends only consists of girls, and all of those girls are single, which kind of interests me.

I always demand information from her friends, itching for an inside voice on the situation, but they never say anything. Always saying that if they told me, then they'd have to end me, then they would laugh maniacly.

I just gave up looking for information at that point.

So, I decided I'd just go for her myself.

I'd have Harmony at all costs.


It was the last day of school, at lunch, and Harmony and her friends were done with their lunch early. They were sitting outside on a bench, and Harmony was playing a guitar pretty well. She finished her song and all of her friends applauded.

I slowly clapped for my applause, smiling. They all turned around, and glared at me; expecially Harmony.

"What do you want?" Harmony questioned, putting her guitar in her case and setting it to the side.

I walked up to her and in one swift moment, I had her sitting on my lap. Her eyes were wide, probably from being excited to sit on my lap.

"Listen, I go-" she started, attempting to get off my lap. Before she could do that, I grabbed her, and pulled her into a kiss. She kept her mouth closed and eyes open. One of her friends kicked me in the back, then another in the gut, and I doubled over, letting go of Harmony.

"I am not one of your little girlfriends because I am better than that," she whispered in my ear. After that, she grabbed her stuff, and walked away, whispering something about there going to be a lot of paperwork to come for her patron, whatever that meant.


I hoped you liked this one! I'm in major need of characters, so if you could make some characters for me, that'd be great!! Thank you!!


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