No Mist

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The demigods had been sent to High School to search for Hecate, who had been wiped of her memory, and her capability of controlling the Mist.

They were trying their best not to get noticed by any monsters.

"Percy, what does that guy over there look like to you?" she whispered, tugging on the Hero of Olympus' arm.

He looked at the boy she was referring to, and saw him looking straight at them with one eye. He punched two guys behind hem, muttered something, then five guys with one eye looked straight at them.

"Crap," they muttered. They whistled, then the rest of the seven, Nico, and Crystal appeared next to them.

"How do we do this?" Crystal said, eyeing the monsters.

The cyclopses unsheathed swords, and the mortals around them scattered, screaming, "He has a sword! He has a sword!"

"Demigod stew for dinner, my friends," the biggest one, probably their leader, grunted.

Crystal caught a wiff of his breath. "My my, you seem big, ugly, and stinky. What else are you, stupid?"

The one next to him growled. "Let me have the girl. She seems skinny, so we should kill her first."

She took out her icy blue dagger and grinned. "I'm fiesty, so I don't go down without a fight."

The biggest one charged her, and she ducked.

The rest of the demigods fought the others.

Percy and Annabeth teamed up on one, Jason and Piper on one, Frank and Hazel on one, then Leo and Nico on the other. Crystal dealt with the big one.

They all defeated them in minutes, and right when they finished, they heard a scream, then a triumphant cry.

Crystal clutched the hilt of the sword that stuck in her gut, and pulled it out, dropping it on the floor.

"NO!" Leo cried, running over to catch her before she hit the ground. He knelt beside the dying Princess of Olympus, clutching her wound. "S-Stay with me."

She took her bloody hand, and put it over Leo's. "I've run from death my whole life, Leo, it's time it caught up to me."

The others crowded around the two demigods that were in love, tears in their eyes. Nico knelt beside Crystal, staring at the wound. "I can buy you some time, just let me help you."

She laughed a bit, then smiled weakly. She looked around the group, then said, "See you all in Elysium." Her eyes glazed over, then she was gone.

Everyone cried, and Leo was still holding her hand. She floated up, then spun around, floating behind them.

The missing goddess stood there. Hecate.

"Lady Hecate," Percy said, looking at her in shock.

"Hello, half-bloods," she greeted, then eyed Crystal. "The Princess of Olympus, I do believe, is waiting for us. Come."

She opened up a portal in the hall, then they stepped through, finding Crystal grinning on the other side.


A no mist for you all! Love you!

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