Chapter 9: Jungkook needs to use the bathroom.

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Author's Note: 

Date Published: March 13, 2015

Song of the Day: "R(x)Play" by V-Hawk ft. Zelo (I know that this song isn't BTS related or related to this story/chapter but I'm just proud of Zelo. All BABYz are! We love and miss B.A.P! Fighting on your trial!!)

I miss you. Yeah you who is reading this. Just enjoy for now, I will explain everything about me at the end. :) 


[Jungkook's POV]

The hyung and I giggled as we got out of the car to enter the house. Those two has been fighting so we had no choice but to lock them inside a house together.

"I can't wait to laugh my butt off at them." J-Hope said through laughter and entered the house.

"I need to use the bathroom so I won't be able to take out the groceries!" I yelled as I ran to the nearest bathroom. Where could those two be?

I opened the door, ready to take off my pants but then right before my eyes, I saw something unbelievable. A gasp escaped my mouth and those two smooching, stopped and stared at me with surprise written all over their face.

I awkwardly closed the bathroom door and sat between those two.

"Hyung, want to tell me what is going on?" I asked, not knowing if it was right to say that.

"U-Um Jungkookie..I-It was an accident." Suga stuttered while Sunmi seemed zoom out.

"You aren't lying to me, right?"

"I'm so--" Suga said but was cut off by a slap from Sunmi.

"Is this another way to make me look bad!? I thought you were different. Jerk." Sunmi yelled with anger as she stomped out of the bathroom and into her room.

"Hyung, you like her?" I asked, afraid that I will be beaten to death with love.

"I don't know. I don't really know!" Suga yelled with frustration and stomped out of the bathroom.

"Why are they both mad? Did they fight?" Rap Monster questioned as he enter the bathroom.

I looked up to him and gave a nervous smile. "Hyung, making them both stay together was a bad idea after all."

"What do you mean?" Jin asked as he walked in. "They didn't make up? Are they still fighting?"

"I-I don't know." I answered as walked out of the bathroom. The bathroom was too crowded so I decided not to use it, I guess.

I walked to the empty room where we mostly work out. It was like a practice room with a few dumbbells, and a treadmill. I sat at the corner of the room and my legs shook nervously. I need to use the bathroom.

"Yah, why are you shaking so much?" Jimin question as he came in. I didn't bother to answer him and continue to shake. "Pshhhhhhhh.." he teased.

"Yah! Don't do that!" I yelled and left. I went to my room that I share with Jimin and V and I continuously shook. Why aren't I using the bathroom? Well the last time I check the bathrooms were used. "What to do. What to do." I thought as my leg shook faster than before.

I shall just go to sleep so the urge of having to pee will disappear. With that said, I fell asleep.

[Suga's POV]

Did she really think that I kissed her to make her look bad? I sigh as Rap Monster came in the room. He sleeps with me now ever since Sunmi moved here.

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