Chapter 5: Starting to Care Again

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Author's Note: 

Date Published: January 21, 2015 

Cr: to owner for the picture. It is still Rap Monster’s Point of view. Enjoy!


“She’s in the hospital,” she answered. We both enter her car and she drove off to the hospital.


Once I got to the hospital and into her room, I stared at her with nothing to say. I didn’t know what to say. I’ve been so cruel to her and now look at her.

“What happened?” I asked as I kept staring at Sunmi. She laid on the cold bed, unconscious. Her breathing was steady and quiet. Her face was pale. She had a big white bandage wrapped around her head.

“Her father broke out of jail and hit her at the back of her head with a glass bottle. An old lady was found at the crime scene and she’s dead. We assume that her father murder her but we don’t know so we are still finding the evidence.” The policewoman answered with a concern face. “I’m glad that I found you.”

“If you have things to do, you can leave. Thank you.” I said as she gave a small grin and went. I sat next to Sunmi and held her cold, pale hand. “Please be alright. Please.” I whispered.

[next day]

I woke up with my neck in pain. Oh dear, I slept on the wrong side. I didn’t care about showing up to school. I needed to be with Sunmi. She needed me too.

*ring tone

Rap Monster: Hello?

Jin: Where have you been?! You need to show up to school!

Rap Monster: I’m in the hos--

Suga: Who cares about better show up!

Rap Monster: I found Sunmi.

J-Hope: Really?! Well who cares about her. Showing up to school is more important.

Jin: Where the hell are you!?! I ask you that a while ago!

Rap Monster: I answered you but you cut me. Well Suga did!

Sunmi: Will you stop yelling? (said weakly)

I stopped and stared at Sunmi. She’s awake? She’s conscious?

Rap Monster: I got to go. I’m at the hospital. It’s a long story. Bye.

Jin and the others: YAH! You--

I hung up before they can say anything further. I was glad that Sunmi was awake.

“Are you alright? You didn’t lose your memories right?” I asked. I didn’t want her to lose her memories. Especially the one with me in it.

She shook her head. “You’re the stupid idiot name Rap Monster.”

I felt relief to hear my name from her mouth. At least she remembered everything right?

The doctor and nurse came in and congratulate on her waking up. Also they did some check up if everything was alright and normal. After checking, I went to paid the bills while she went to the hallways of where the dead people were put. Well it was like a mini funeral for those patient that doesn’t have a family or anyone.

I paid and went to Sunmi. She was crying at a dead old lady. She was crying continuously. What I felt inside (of my heart) was ache. Pain was the word for what I felt. I didn’t want to see Sunmi go through hardship. I didn’t want her to cry.

I went to her and comfort her.

[Sunmi’s POV]

As I cried to the old lady, Rap Monster comfort me. As I already said, she was like a mother to me. She was there when I ran away from home. Now I knew what kind of puddle she was in before I literally went blank. She was dead. There was no one anymore.

[5 pm]

Rap Monster slept at the corner and I left after paying my respect. He clearly said it himself that he wanted me out so I didn’t bother to wake him up. “Wow, there’s no one anymore. Where do I go?” I thought as I sigh.

“Sunmi.” someone said which cause me to turn to their direction.

“There’s nothing to say to you Rap Monster.” I said.

“Come back and stay with us.”

“I have a place already.”

“Don’t lie. I know you don’t.” he said with a big wide smile. For the first time, my heart felt alive. It was beating so darn fast.


He came to me and held on my hand tightly. He gave me a ‘let’s go’ look and I gave him an approving look. We walked to a nearby park and he called the others to pick us up. While waiting, we sat on the bench next to each other with silence.

“Um. The promise. When is the date?” I asked breaking the silence. His eyes widen and he looked at me. He leaned in toward me. His nose barely touching mine. I froze.

“Why am I looking at him as a man? Why is this damn heart beating so irregularly?” I thought.

He grin which made me weirder.

“Saturday,” he answered.

We stayed closed to each other for a bit. I like this feeling somehow.

“Yo! We’re here!” Suga yelled and we both snapped out of it and went to the car. Well Rap Monster held onto me as if I was still weak. We got in the car and they drove off.

“You guys are absolutely dating huh?” Suga teased. I mean who wouldn’t tease after seeing a guy and a girl close up together and a guy holding to a girl to help her in the car.

“What happened?” Jin asked as he pointed on the bandage wrapped around my head.

“Her father broke out of jail and hit her head with a glass bottle.” Rap Monster noticed that I kinda had a headache so he answered for me.

“We’re sorry for Rap Monster.” They said in unison.

I placed my head on the window and closed my eyes.


Author’s Note:

This chapter was short and I’m sorry for making it short. I just got to go slow and easy. I promise to update a long chapter on Friday! Bye~ Don’t forget to vote and comment~

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