Chapter 4: Avoiding

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Author’s Note:

Date Published: January 4, 2015

Credits to owner for the photo. 




He lead me outside and we took a long walk to the park.

“Will you go out with me?” he finally spoke up.

“I’m already outside with you, weirdo,” I thought.  

“I know that but what I meant is that will you be my girlfriend?” he commented. I realized that I have just speak my thought out loud. Then I wonder off in my thought.

“He’s not those kind of guys you think he is. He’s worth it. You should try dating him,” I thought of what Suga said to me awhile ago. “Should I try?”

“So..what’s your answer?,” Nam Joon asked.

I looked into his eyes and knew my answer already. I knew what I wanted to tell him.

“No. It’s a no,” I said sincerely, hoping that he knew that I meant it.

“What’s the reason?”

“I don’t like or love you. There’s nothing special for you that is in me. Beside we just met,” I answered without hesitation. I didn’t want to experience all of this stuff. I didn’t have anything for him.

“I understand,” he said and turned to leave.

“I’m glad you do,” I said sweetly and walked away too. I needed some fresh air.

While walking alone for a minute, someone’s warm arms wrapped around my waist. It was a back hug. Their chin rested on my shoulder and they softly whispered, “I won’t give up.” It was Nam Joon. I was going to separate his hands so his arms will be off of my waist but he tighten the hug. Instead of removing his hands some more, I froze with my hand on his. “No way! Is he crying?!?!,” I thought as I tried to take a look of his face. I couldn’t tell if he was crying for real but warm tears landed on my bare shoulders and rolled down to my breast. I could hear him sniffle.

“Please stay like this for a bit,” he whispered.

I snapped out of everything and moved his arms away.

“I won’t give up too. I will make sure that you give up,” I said coldly with a cold stare. I didn’t want him to keep going on and try to make me change my decision.


I walked back to the house as quickly as possible. I didn’t know what to do or say anymore.

When I got to the house, everyone stared at me with curiosity. I ignored them and went straight to the couch. “I ain’t going to sleep on that dude’s oh wait..I meant Rap Monster’s bed,” I thought as I shove my face on the pillow.

“Everything is alright, right?” I can hear Suga asked Rap Monster or that dude. I didn’t hear any answer from that dude though. I slowly and quietly fell asleep.

[Tuesday 7:30 am]

I sat at my seat and stared at the blue sky through the window nearby. On Sunday, I’ve been avoiding Rap Monster till now. I told him that I will make him give up but the only way I can do it is by avoiding him.

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