Chapter 2: These DAMN Dudes!

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Author's Notes:

Date publised: November 15, 2014

It's a short chapter as of now. Enjoy^^


He face palm himself and said, “You forgot me again?”

“I never met you nor seen you this whole day.” I said and looked out of the window. The bus began to move and we were on our way to home. I wonder out of the window. There’s like no one outside since they all are busy with their electronics now. While looking at the plain outside, something heavy hit my shoulder. I looked to see what it was that got on my shoulders. It was that dude. I moved his head away from my shoulders. His head swung out of the seat causing the bus driver to stop the bus.

“Ms. Choi Sunmi, please fix the partner next to you or I am not moving this bus. I sigh and put his head on my shoulders again. “What a heavy head he has!!!” I yelled in my thoughts.

The bus continue to move and I was stuck with this heavy head of his. Finally the bus stop and he woke up. “So now you wake up when you should have woke up a long time ago!” I yelled in my head again.

He walked out of the bus as I follow him out too. I stood outside, waiting for the bus to go.

“Aren’t you going to go home?” he ask but I ignored him.

“Hello? Stupid Idiot, I’m talking to you.” he said again.

“Just leave.” I said as the bus left. He didn’t leave though so I walked past him. My house was across but I chose not to go home. I wanted to go to the nearby park. Going home was hell. It was. You don’t know how it was. If you’re curious, I’m not going to tell you because like I said I do not need your pity.

Something or someone grabbed my hand. I looked. That dude.

“Come with me.” he said and drag me somewhere.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask but was ignored. Next thing I knew, I was in a car. The car was somewhat familiar. It was filled with seven dudes, including him.

“We never got to finish our conversation at the cafe.” That dude that dragged me here said. Ok, I got to admit it but staying home is better than staying in a car full of seven strangers.

“Yah! We’re there.” that dude yelled. I sat there. I didn’t want to move out of the comfy seat.

“Get up.” he said and dragged me in the cafe.

He sat me in the seat and his other dudes drove away. He sat across from me and smiled.

“You tend to forget a lot.” he started.

“And who are you?” I ask.

“First, let me ask. Who are you?” he replied.

“I’m your mom.” I answered and he faked a surprise expression.

“Oh! you’re not funny. Tell me the truth or else.” He went back to a normal face.

“I’m not interested in your threats so goodbye.” I said and stood up to leave. He grabbed my hand and forced me to sit back down. His reflexes were so fast to the point where I blinked to see our lips together. He looked directly into my eyes, telling me that he was enjoying it. I can feel his tongue trying to enter my mouth but I closed it shut. I felt no special connection. Although I felt the need to having to slapped him. I pushed him aside and and gasp for air. Then I slapped him. He smirked; I faked a smile.

“So this is your threat. Now, goodbye.” I said and left. Tears were filling in my eyes as I open the door to leave. I notice the other six guys were back, in the car. They looked at my direction; I tried to avoid them. My tears suddenly rained down to my cheeks. That was a disgusting kiss. I can hear the bell on the door to the cafe ringing. I knew he came out so I powered walk.

“Yah,  A Kpop Boy Band Who Is Under H2 Media!! YAH!!” he yelled. I ignored him and walk some more.

Soon, it got quiet and I took the long walk home. I felt like I was being followed but I ignored that feeling. As I got inside my house, a glass cup almost hit me. It hit the side of wall and a piece of the glass slice me leaving a scar near my left eye.

“Yah, you slut! Did you go out and do all these guys?!?!” yelled my father. He came to me and slapped my left cheek.

“Yes, what’s wrong with that?!?! HUH?!?!” I yelled and he grabbed my arm. He slam me to the wall and began to kiss my neck. Or should I say he began to harass me. “GET OFF OF ME!!” I kneed him in his private spot and he let go, groaning in pain. I, as usual, ran out of the house. Then I began to rub the saliva off from my neck as tears rained down from my eyes. The sun was setting; those dudes from earlier were looking at me. The scar on my cheek was burning from my tears and I ignored every one of the dude’s stare. I walked to the park and laid on the grass.

Someone came and he/she laid down next to me.

“Look, I’m s--”

“You don’t have to be sorry.” I cut him/her off. “I got to go back now.” I said and stood up to leave. That was a lie.  

“Why not stay with me and my friends tonight?” he ask.

“No thank you.” I replied and began to walk away.

“Yah, I won’t do anything to you.” he said.

“What the hell? Is he being sincere?” I thought.

“No. You’re a stranger. Stranger Danger!” I yelled and he began to laugh.

“I guess he isn’t so bad afterall. What the hell am I saying? I barely know him.” I thought.

“I swear I won’t do anything. Even if I do, I’ll let you kill me.”

“Fine..” I spoke and covered my mouth afterward. “What did I just say?” I said in my mind. He smiled and took me by my hand. Then dragged me into the car.

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