Chapter 3: Saturday

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Author's Note:

Date Published: December 23, 2014

Credits to owner fot the photo. By the way, I love the collaboration that BTS did with Thanh!! Sorry for not updating for a month now. I have been busy or I just have no motivation. There are mistakes so I'm sorry for that but anyways just Enjoy!!


“Fine..” I spoke and covered my mouth afterward. “What did I just say?” I said in my mind. He smiled and took me by my hand. Then dragged me into the car.

“So…” he started on the way to his place.

“What ever you are going to ask, I am not going to answer it.” I simply cut him off before he can finish.

“But I’m curious about you.” he whined.

“You don’t need to know me.” I answered and looked out of the window.

Silence cover the whole way to their place. As we reach the place, I got out and followed after them. The house was big and nice but not to the point where you will ah and ooh. To be honest, it would be better if it was clean.

“Boys will always be boys.” I whispered.

“We can hear you.” That dude spoke.

“Glad you can. What will you get? Granny points?” I reply, trying to sound funny in a way but I failed.

“Very funny. Hah.” he said while giving me an uninteresting face.

“So where do I sleep?” I asked.

“In my arms.” He said and spread his arms out with a smirk.

“In your dreams. I will gladly go back now.” I replied with disgust and began to turn to leave.

“Woah woah you’re being way too serious.” he said as he grabbed my wrist and turned me. “Sleep in my room. I’ll sleep out here.”

I sigh and followed him to his room. “Seriously! Boys will always be boys.” I thought as I enter a trashy room. Dirty clothes everywhere. Posters of girls in bikini on the wall. Food almost everywhere too.

“Such a GREAT room that I’ve seen so far.” I stated.

There was no response. “Speechless.” I thought. After dropping me off to his room, he left me. I did some cleaning which was picking up all the dirty clothes and putting it in a bucket that I think is for dirty clothes. Also I threw away the piece of food in the nearby trash can and removed the disturbing poster. I know I’m a girl but it’s still disturbing.

After spending a year to clean, I did my only one homework. My enemy. Math.

[9:20 pm; Finished MATH Homework]

I decided not to shower since I wasn’t use to this house and I’m surrounded by boys. Maybe they had a hidden key to the bathroom and when I get in the shower they will take a picture of me. This thought made me shiver. It’s a maybe.

Thinking too much like how I would, I slowly fell asleep.

[next day]

I woke up extra early and got ready to leave. Today was Saturday and I wasn’t going to let anyone ruin it especially those dudes. All I wanted to do was to let my brain do its job of forgetting people. I didn’t want that dude and his friend to be in my life forever. Not even one tiny bit. Every second and minute with them wasn’t cool but rather annoying. I wanted to go back to be a loner like I was always. Darn that transfer student!

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