Chapter 12: V's War of Hormone

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Author's Note:

Date Published: May 22, 2015

Recommended Song: "Might Just Die" by HISTORY (I love it!)

Sorry for the mistakes. I was rushing. Enjoy!


[V's POV]

"Those two are making my skin crawl." I thought as I walked to the cafe alone.

"Excuse me?" A feminine voice said as she tapped my shoulder.

I turned to face the most beautiful girl ever. Her long brown hair makes me want to comb it. Her small face makes me want to caress it. Her small lips makes me want to kiss it. Her big brown eyes, oh how I can stare into it forever. Her clothing style fits her too. A white loose t-shirt, a rip blue boyfriend jean, and a pair of red converse. Even better, her loose t-shirt is tuck in a little in the front. Her small figure makes me want to squeeze her. Everything about her was on my list. She was my type.

"Excuse me?" She said once again, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh. Yes?" I said. Talk more, your voice is like music.

"Do you know where the nearest cafe is?" She asked.

"I was about to go there! How did you know?"

"Do you mind if I walk with you?" She asked.

"Feel free to walk with me." I answered with a big smile. She smiled back and we both walked together.

"Hello, hello!" I suddenly sang directly to her.

"What?" She questioned.

"Hello, hello!"

"What?" She looked annoyed.

"Tell me what you want right now." I replied.

"Food." She said with a pout.

"Hello, hello!"

"What?!" She's even annoyed.

"Hello, hello!"

"What?!" She's going to explode any time soon.

"I'm going to give it to you right now."

"Yeah, I guess because we are outside of the cafe right?" She asked.

"Yep. I'll order your food for you." I answered.

"Thank you for the offer but my boyfriend can do that. Thanks for showing me where the cafe is too." She said with a smile and entered the cafe building.

"She has a boyfriend." I whisper sadly. "My hopes were up though."

Instead of entering the cafe, I watched her and her boyfriend interact. They didn't buy anything but just talked with a serious face. Every second, she also would gaze over at me because I kept looking at her, making her uncomfortable. Her boyfriend was beginning to become annoyed so he unexpectedly slapped her.

As I kept watching, she was being abused by her boyfriend. She was defending herself and people didn't seem to notice or care at all.

When I notice that she was crying, I couldn't keep it in and decided to go in. That's it.

I stomped to their table, then grabbed his collar and gave him a big punch. Not knowing what to do after the punch, he already got my collar and punched me back. We both were stopped by the employees before any blood were shed. He gave me a disgusted look and I gave him a "do-you-want-to-die" look.

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