Chapter 11: An Awkward Move

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Author's Note:

Date Published: May 9, 2015

Song of the Day: "I Need You" by BTS (love it!~)

Sorry, it's been a long wait. Enjoy! 


[Sunmi's POV]

[A month past]

"Sunmi! There's a letter for you!" Jungkook yelled, running towards my room.

"What it is?" I asked as I stood at the open door.

"From an orphanage or something like that." He said as he handed me the letter.

"Oh yeah. I forgot. I'll be leaving to this place soon." I said and ripped the envelope opened.

"Now you tell us that?" Rap Monster said as he came to the door, standing next to Jungkook.

"What was that?" J-Hope joined. Soon the other boys joined.

"Guys, go to the sofa. I'll explain everything to you all." I sighed.

Within seconds, they got to the livingroom and sat down. I followed them and sat at an empty chair in between Jungkook and Jimin.

"This letter said that I am being transferred there or something like that." I said.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier? Why didn't you tell us anything about this at all?" V asked.

"I owe you all a lot. I don't want to be a burden." I answered. It was the truth.

"You're being a burden by leaving." Rap Monster said.

"Stay longer to pay off what you owe us." Suga added.

"If I stay longer, I will owe you guys more." I replied.

"I think what she said is true." V whispered loud enough.

"Can you just follow me?" Rap Monster said as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me away.


"Yah, you're hurting me!" I yelled as we stopped inside the room.

"Yah, you're hurting me!" He mocked in a girly voice and released my wrist.

"Awkward.." I whispered as I looked at the floor.

"What?" He asked in annoyance.

"I said that that was awkward." I repeated.

"Do you still like me?" he asked with a cute smile.

"Nope." I joked.

"You want to know what you can do to pay off what you owe us?" He asked, ignoring the fact that I lied to him that I don't like him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Be m—"

"Yah! What are you two doing?" V interrupted with a loud thud at the door.

"Alone with a bed...." J-Hope added with an awkward tone.

"With the door close too." Jimin smirked.

There was an awkward pause.

"Can you guys get out?" Rap Monster asked.

"Nope." They refused.

"I need some—"

"Time alone?" Jimin interrupted with an eyebrow raised and a smirk.

"Yah, stop thinking that way." Jin said as he smacked the back of Jimin's head.

" all are too awkward.." I whispered to myself.

"What?" They all said in unison and turned their heads to me.

"Oh..nothing." I said as I looked away. "Continue your arguments."

"Oh yeah..what are you two doing?" V asked.

"Talking about things you guys don't need to know." Rap Monster answered.

"Oh, you want her to be your girlfriend!" V yelled which shocked me and caused me to blush.

"G-Girlfriend?" I stuttered.

"You spoiled it!" Rap Monster whined.

"Yah, just confess to her in front of everyone." Suga said.

"Should I?" Rap Monster whispered lowly.

I smiled and awkwardly stared at the ceilings."What do I do? I'm blushing like crazy right now." I said in my head.

"Yah, you got caught. You said you didn't like me." Rap Monster said as he came in front of me.

"Oh..he caught you." The other six guys ooh and ahh.

"I like where this is going." Jin said.

"Wait, did I just said that out loud?" I asked the rest which they didn't answer but just nod in approval.

"Be my girlfriend." Rap Monster said as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

I looked at the ceiling instead of his eyes. What to do? What to do?

Suddenly, he placed his hands on my cheeks which made me put on a duck face. He turned my head to his level which I had no choice but to look at him.

"Oh, he's a rough guy." Jimin said.

"Answer me." Rap Monster said.

"Ljet gjuo og moew." I said.

"What?" They all said in unison except for Jin.

"She said let go of her." Jin answered.

"No." Rap Monster refused. "Not until she tells me her answer."

"I lube choo. Ich ach cheas." I said again. The answer coming out of my mouth made me blush. What to do? This is my first time.

"What?" he said.

"She said that she loves you. It's a yes." Jin translated.

"Yes!" Rap Monster squealed and pulled me for a kiss. I can feel his lips on my teeth. Because of the duck face that I am putting right now.

"Have fun now!" Jimin yelled as everyone left and he closed the door.

"Yah! I told you not to have those thoughts." Jin yelled and I can hear the sound of him smacking Jimin.

"So..what should we do now?" Rap Monster said awkwardly.

"It's been a minute that we've been dating." I, too, awkwardly said.

"Backhug?" he asked as he struggled to move.

"Such an awkward move." I thought. "After all this is our first time, I think."


Author's Note:

Hello! Sorry for the long wait! I'll make my excuse short. I have school. I'll be done with school in a month. A month goes by fast you know. Well, sad how badminton is ending. Last practice is next Monday. I want to cry, of course, but I'll put on a smile because I don't want to leave others feeling sad. Especially the guy that coached us.

This Wednesday wasn't great. Why? During practice, I cried and this other player got mad. Everyone wasn't in the mood. Everyone was sad, grumpy, and tired. Except for two players. They were hyper and happy.

Now, that's all. No more of my personal life. Don't forget to vote and comment. Every comment and vote means a lot! Bye! See you next chapter. (Hearing about what they did to V breaks my heart a lot!!)

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