Chapter 13: Officially

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Author's Note:

Date published: June 17, 2015



[Sunmi's POV]

"Sun, you want to make our relationship official?" Rap Monster asked as he came from behind me and embraced me. I was packing and ready to leave anytime soon to the orphanage. Also, I didn't know what to do. What can I do?

"It's been a few days that we've been dating, right?" I asked and turned my head to face Rap Monster's. He lightly peck my lips and nod.

"I've been thinking a lot last night." I stated.

"About me?" He said adding aegyo in it.

"About our relationship. No matter how much I think about it, I don't think it's right." I corrected, getting serious.

"Don't worry about it." He said, turning annoyed.

"I don't think that I am ready." I said, bringing up the feeling of uncertainness.  

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Let's go our own way." I replied coldly.

"If you were going to be like this, then why did you even answer with a yes? Can't you see that I've been sincere ever since I saw you?" He said, anger and annoyance heating up. With that said, he left. I didn't get to explain to him but I was glad that I ended everything quick before it went farther.

After packing, I went out to the living room to see six of the boys only. Rap Monster was no where to be found. I decided to say my last farewell although I will meet them at school.

"Guys.." I awkwardly began. "Thank you for all this time."

"When are you leaving?" V asked, giving me a look like a lost puppy.

"Maybe today. I just wanted to say that I am thankful everything and goodbye." I answered.

Everyone turned silent as Rap Monster entered the room. We stared at the floor, not knowing what to do or say. And that's how my story with them ended. Only in silence.

[Next Day]

I walked down the hall of the school as everyone glared at me. I didn't care anymore because everything ended, right? "The past is in the past. Just let it go." I said to myself.

"Sunmi, go to the gym after lunch." This girl said and walked away.

I didn't bother to keep what she said in mind since these things can happen to almost anyone. Also, I had things to do after lunch. It is to go to class. Since everything is over, I need to focus more on my studies. I can't let anything distract me anymore.


Instead of going to the cafeteria to get my lunch, I decided to stay in my classroom that was after lunch. I wasn't in the mood to eat but rather study and get ahead of class. I had things to do at the orphanage so I had to finish my homework from other classes too.

"Are you really not going to show up in the gym after lunch?" The teacher asked as I was half through my math homework.

"I'm fine. Why? Is it mandatory?" I replied.

"Seems like all the students are going." The teacher said. "It isn't that mandatory but you should still go. There aren't classes after lunch anyways."

"What?! How come I didn't know about this?" I yelled in my head.

"You might as well go to the gym or go home since all teachers are leaving home now. I'm going to leave now so it's your choice on what you want to do." The teacher said and I had to leave since she was leaving.

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