Chapter 6: Ruined Date

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Author's Note:

Date Published: January 23, 2015

Song: "24/7=Heaven" by Bangtan Boys

Photo: credits to owner~ (Funny! Funny! Funny!^^)

Happy Birthday to Yoo Young Jae~

Enjoy^^ (although it's kind of short)



I woke up to Rap Monster’s alarm crying. Annoying..annoying..annoying! It’s been like this since I came back which was last Monday. I didn’t attend school for the whole week because of my head. Yesterday, I got the bandage off and now I am alright to do anything I desire. I tell you..Rap Monster is starting to act like a caring person. Well before, he was kind of caring but now..he’s too caring that it is getting annoying. It’s not that annoying. It’s just that he takes care of me too much. I have my own feet and arms for a reason, right?

“Rise and shine beautiful,” Rap Monster said as he enter the door with a wide smile. I covered myself with the blanket and try to escape this nightmare. I don’t want to wake up so early. It’s the weekend. “Remember our date is today.” He left. I got out of the covers and frown.

“The date. I forgot all about it.” I thought as I went out to enter the bathroom. “How can I forget?”

I did my business, wash my face, brush my teeth, and comb my hair. Afterward, I got out and went back into the room to change out of these pajamas. I always feel expose when I wear my pajamas out in the living room or just going to the bathroom.

I got into a blue jeans, blue long sleeve and tied my hair in a high ponytail. I didn’t have nice clothes so obviously, I am going to wear this to the date. The only nice clothes that I have is probably the uniforms for school but I don’t want to wear it. It’s the weekend!

I got out of the room and enter the kitchen. Jin was busy cooking while the others were doing their own things. Rap Monster was nowhere to be found.

“Good morning Sunmi,” Jin greeted. “You’re wearing that to the date?”

“Good morning Jin and yes I am. Why?” I greeted back.


“Horrible!” Jimin finished as he join me at the table.

“Thank you for the compliment?” I said confusedly.

“It wasn’t a compliment.” Jimin said. “It was a judgment.”

I rolled my eyes and forgot about the topic as Jin brought the food to the table. Just an easy American style for breakfast. I dug into my plate while the others came and dug their own too. Where’s Rap Monster though?

“Whare iz Rup Manstez,” I said with a mouth full of food.

“What?” Jin asked. “Haven’t you heard of no talking with a full mouth?”

I swallowed the  chewed food and asked again, “Where is Rap Monster?”

“Someone’s missing him,” Suga teased. I blushed.

“I’m not missing him, it’s just that why isn’t he eating breakfast?” I stated.

“Someone’s caring for him,” Suga teased once again.

Someone knock at the front door and I went to get it. Right before my eyes, I saw Rap Monster looking like a clown. I stared at him and he stood there with a smile.

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