Chapter 8: Another Thing

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Author's Note:

Date published: February 13, 2015

Recommended Song: "Can you turn off your phone?" by BTS

Hola! Miss me? Sorry for mistakes, grammar and for not flowing. Enjoy!



I woke up and quickly got ready for school. After getting ready for school, I went downstairs to see no one. Everyone was gone and the blinds were closed. "Darn they left me." I thought.

I didn't bother to eat breakfast so I left the house but locked it before I made my way to the bus stop. Gladly, the bus didn't arrive yet. While waiting and waiting with some other students, all I can hear was whispers of me rejecting Rap Monster. Rumors sure travels fast.

The bus came and I waited for everyone to enter. As it was my turn to enter, some girls appeared out of no where and tripped me causing me to fall on my face.

"It's a good thing that a slut like you rejected Rap Monster." Girl #1 spat as she enter the bus. The other girls gave me those dirty stares as they walked in the bus. I brushed the sand off of me as I got up and enter the bus. It wasn't such a bright idea to sit at the very end since I got squished.

When we got to school, I was the last one to get out. I went straight to the cafeteria and got myself some breakfast which was eggs, sausages, and waffles. People stared and cussed at me as I walked to an empty table but I ignored everything and just ate. While eating, some girls surrounded my table. One of the girl poured her chocolate milk all over my head which caused the other girls to chuckle.

"So slut, I heard that you lost your virginity to your dad. Not just to your dad, but to your dad's friends too. Thank goodness Rap Monster escape you. So who's the next victim?" That girl said.

I ignored them and threw away my tray with the food. I wanted to hiss back but oh well, I can care less. All those words that she said were right except for me being a slut. I'm not a slut.

She scoffed and cussed something out. I didn't care. "Stupid girls." I expressed it as I walked out of the cafeteria but then bumped into someone. It was Rap Monster and the other six boys.

"I guess you deserve all these bullying for rejecting Rap Monster," Suga said, laid back and relaxed.

"God damn this guy. I want to slap him. Why must they misunderstand?" I thought with hatred showing on my face.

"Are you alright?" Rap Monster said as he grabbed my chin to see my face. Now that I think about it, my face hurts. I might have gotten some scraps on my face, maybe bruises.

"Leave her. Let's just go." Suga commanded.

I got close to Rap Monster and had to tip toe to reach his height.

"The confession. It wasn't like that. You know it." I whispered into his ears and walked away to the nearest bathroom. Why isn't he correcting it? I tried to and is trying but no one will listen or believe me.

While I was in the bathroom cleaning myself, all the girls in there was trying to start a fight with me but too bad, I wasn't that immature. I ignored them like a mature person should but not until one of the girls grabbed a handful of my hair.

"Yah you wench! Look at me!" the girl yelled as she grabbed a handful of my hair. Girl surrounded us and that girl dragged me to one of the bathroom stall. She forced my head in the toilet which I was beginning to run out of breath and was drowning. The taste of the toilet water tasted alright; it was just like tap water. Their was struggle of trying to get air since her weight was on my head so I couldn't lift it. She took me out of the toilet and I gasped for air as fast as I can because I knew that I was going to be put in that toilet again. A loud bang came from the door when she was going to dip my head in the toilet again. All the girls screamed as that someone made way to the stall we were in. That someone turned out to be Rap Monster.

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