Chapter 6: Surprises

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It was about 8 months before the attack on Marley. 8 months before things fell apart. Eren was sitting underneath a tree at the farm. He contemplated whether this was really his only choice. Would he really have to resort to the rumbling to ensure Historia's safety? Did he fail her?

He noticed the blonde staring into the distance with a saddened look on her face. She had this look for a while now. She also seemed more distant with not only Eren, but the Scouts, her friends, and even the government officials.

"She's hiding something from me.." Eren thought to himself, looking at the woman he loved, her golden hair swaying in the wind.

He decided enough was enough. He couldn't stand seeing her like this. This wasn't Historia, not his Historia. He got up and walked to her. Together they stood watching the children play with each other.

"How they've grown over the years." he thought to himself. He noticed tears rolling down Historia's cheeks.

"What's wrong? You've been so distant lately." Eren said hoping that she would finally open back up to him.

"It's nothing. I've just been stressed lately. You know, with the issue of Marley, passing on the titans through royal blood, it's all been so stressful.." she finally spoke.

"They plan to feed Zeke to you when he arrives on the island.." Eren spoke.

"I know."

"I say it's bullshit. We can fight the MPs or run away."

She sighed in defeat, "If this is the most effective way for the island to persevere through this, I'll follow through. But... when you showed gratitude towards me in that meeting. The way you fought for me when no one else would. You moved me. That's enough for me..."

"Even if you're okay with it... I'm not. Not in the slightest." Eren said before telling her about his meeting with Floch, a Scout recruit, not long ago.


"I'll destroy the world. All the enemies in this world. All without leaving a single... one of them... alive."


"That's wrong!" Historia pleaded after being left in shock, she continued, "Most of them aren't even our enemies! Their people like your mother!" Hoping to snap him out of it, though it didn't work.

He simply replied, "I know. However, the only option to completely rid the world of this ongoing hatred... is to eradicate the hatred outside this island for good."

His tone shifted to one of frustration, "Historia. For you to bear a child and become a sacrifice, the cycle of letting children eat royals... I won't let that happen to you at all costs!"

Tears were now freely flowing down her face.

"Eren... if I don't do everything in my power to stop you... I could never hold my head high again in my life."

"If it's too much for you to handle, I can use the Founder's ability to manipulate your memory. If you can just stay quiet until then..."

She cut him off only for him to do the same.

"How could I ever-"

"You can. Because... you're the girl who saved me that day. You're the worst girl in the world."

She didn't know what to say until...

"Well, Eren..." she paused, "what would you think... about me having a child?"

Eren was stunned, "I already said this! I'm not letting them sacrifice-"

"No you idiot! What if I were to have a child, not to save the island, not to become a sacrifice, but for my own sake and nobody else's! It'd be selfish, but what would you think about that?"

Eren was saddened because he knew his future, "Well if you want to have a family, I won't stop you. It isn't my choice. But still, I won't let any of you be used like cattle."

She suddenly started laughing.

"I get it now! You're just as selfish as me!"

"Huh?! What are you talking about?"

"You've got it written all over your face! You've been so serious this whole time, but inside you're still just that dumb crybaby I saved in that cave!"

"What's gotten into you Historia? You're acting weird!"

"Even if I had a child because I wanted to, you still wouldn't be able to accept it, would you?"

Eren looked at her beautiful blue eyes as she stared into his. The only things he felt was love and suffering. She was right.

"Historia, I..." he began to speak as her eyes looked away from his.

"You're right, I can't accept something like that. Even though I have no right to feel that way. I want nothing more than for you to live freely and have a long life, but not only that..." he continued, "I.. have only five years left. But, if a future with you was possible... I'd give up everything in a heartbeat."

"Eren. I don't want to die. I also don't want to be a mother who wishes her child had never been born." Historia reassured him.

"Like I've told you before," she told him, "whatever time we have left, let's not live with any regrets. Even if we're enemies of humanity... I'll always be your ally."

Eren smiled and embraced her in a hug that she warmly accepted.

"Where'd this baby talk even come from?" he said jokingly.

He then noticed her hand on her stomach. He quickly looked up at her to notice she was crying.

"Wait.. you mean... I'm gonna.." Eren couldn't get the words out as he fell to his knees shaking.

"I'm so sorry.." he heard Historia say quietly.

"Sorry?" he thought to himself.

He quickly stood up and embraced her, lifting her off of the ground and swaying her around in circles. What was there to be sorry for? This was the happiest moment of his life.

"Woah! Wait, you aren't upset?" she asked in shock.

"How could I be? I'm going to be a father!" Eren yelled, not caring if people could hear.

She was never more happy to see his face. He instantly placed a kiss on her face, cupping her face with his hands.

"Hisu... like you said, you want to live without regrets, correct?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well good thing we're in a good mood now," he said fumbling around in his coat. He suddenly pulled out something she never saw coming, a ring.

"Historia Reiss, will you take my hand in marriage?"

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