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The stars looked extraordinary. It was as if someone raided all of Hades' jewel troves and threw the jewels pell mell across the whole night sky. Nico might have been a sullen teenager with no penchant for art but even he couldn't deny the beauty of the starlit night and how the glow reflected on the even greater beauty lying next to him.
Nico stared and stared at Hailey as she stared up at the stars, marveled at the play of light and shadow across her serene face and the molten chocolate strands of her hair, the way her soft, full lips parted with awe at the nightly beauty and her chest rose and fell with each breath, lips that, Nico knew, tasted like summertime with an aftertaste of the fudge brownie they had for dessert after their dinner date. It took all of his self control to not pull her close, hold her tight and kiss and kiss her until the sun came up.
"What?" Hailey's lilting voice cut through his trance and he immediately blushed at the thoughts going through his head, thoughts of his fingers entwined in her hair and their limbs tangled up with a sheet of moonlight spread over their bare skins.
"Uhh-" Nico cleared his throat, at a loss of words "Just that, looking at you lying there, you know, it really makes me want to, uh" Nico rolled on his back and covered his face with his palms.
Hailey giggled and turned to her side. Propping her head on her palm, she looked at Nico, still covering his face and shaking his head just so slightly.
Hailey decided she liked him flustered and decided to tease him knowing it would lead to him ending up in a sputtering and blushing mess. So she caught hold of his hands and pried them away from his face.
Bringing her face closer to his, she whispered, "Makes you want to do what?"
"Yeah?" Nico's gaze suddenly felt too heavy on her face and all thoughts of teasing him escaped her mind as Nico held her shoulder and lowered her on her back on the ground, moving himself so that he was positioned above her, but not quite touching her.
"It makes me want to do this." Nico whispered and at the same time Hailey felt his callused finger brush down ever so slightly from her temple down to her collarbone and stayed there as Nico moved his mouth to her ear and whispered yet again "And this." This time he brushed his lips below her ear and then kissed the spot making her shiver involuntarily.
"And?" Her voice was hoarse with need but her limbs felt like jelly as Nico moved his lips down the side of her neck and then pressed a kiss on the hollow of her throat. Hailey gasped as she arched into him and found the strength to use one of her hands to pull Nico closer to herself.
Nico obliged and pressed his body lightly to hers as he continued kissing up her collarbone and throat and jaw. "Nico!" Hailey's breath turned ragged as Nico's fingers moved in a feather light touch across the skin of her cheek, down her neck and arms.
She wanted more, more than these feather light touches and teasing brush of lips against skin.
She took hold of Nico's hand and was about to take charge when her eyes went to the watch on his wrist.
"Holy shi-" Hailey exclaimed and sat up immediately.
Nico looked like a confused puppy kicked out of its home at the sudden turn of events.
He looked at her and raised his brows, his shirt still disheveled from a few minutes ago.
Instead of a clear answer, all he got was, "Percy's going to kill me and Sally will help him with it."
"Um...what?" Nico was still confused.
"It's quarter to 12 and my curfew was about an hour ago."
Nico's brow rose and eyes grew wide as he realised the situation and without another word he grabbed Hailey and melted into the nearby shadows.

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