Big Brother

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"Smug, are we?" Hailey raised an eyebrow.
"You'll see." Nico simply said as he went and sat down on her rumpled bed.
"Heyyyy, get out and let me get dressed first."
Hailey stood with her hands on her hips and frowned at Nico.
"Get dressed, why does it matter if I stay here while you do it?" Nico winked at her.
"You perv!" Hailey blushed and threw a pillow at him.
"Whoaaaa, no need to get all testy. You know I was kidding." He winked and was about to melt back into the shadows when Percy entered the room unannounced.
"What the f-?" Percy trailed off with a look of shock on his face.
"What the hell are you doing in my sister's room Nico?" Percy's big brother nature was beginning to show.
"Um...I was leaving?" Nico said skeptically.
"You wanna explain Hailey?" Percy looked exceptionally like his mom with that 'you better have a good explanation for this scandal' look.
"Um, we...he just, he was wishing me a Merry Christmas." She sounded so feeble that she knew Percy wouldn't believe her.
"So why did he have to sneak in, he could've walked in the front door."
"He-" before Hailey could finish Nico faced Percy.
"Okay," he said calmly. "Here's the thing. I am kinda dating Hailey. I mean we haven't gone on an official date yet, we are supposed to go today. But well, it's almost been a month since I asked her out and so, we are kind of a thing."
Percy looked at Nico, then Hailey, and again back at Nico as if trying to figure out a particularly tough calculation.
Then after a few frowns and opening his mouth and closing it again without speaking, all he said finally was, "But I thought you were gay."
Hailey couldn't help but burst out laughing at the confusion evident on Percy's face and how he looked as if he were getting pranked.
"This can't be!" He said in disbelief.
"Well, um...I thought so too but well, here I am." Nico shrugged as if saying 'it is what it is'.
"Okay...okay." Percy seemed to be trying to digest the fact that Nico was not gay.
He was just about to leave the room when he paused and turned to look at Nico as if suddenly a thought occured to him.
"Wait a minute!" His eyebrows were creased. "So, that means I am the only one who's not your type?"
He sounded so betrayed that Hailey and Nico crumbled down on the bed with a bout of laughter leaving Percy to stand at the door looking like a hurt puppy.

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