Just a Dream

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Hailey shot up in her bed, perspiration beading her face, her nightdress, soaked in a cold sweat, stuck to her back.
"Hey, Hailey, look at me, what is it?" Percy's voice washed over her and she started to control her erratic breathing.
"Luke," her voice broke. Percy's face clouded for a moment at the mention of his name but he quickly recovered and tried to smile.

"It was just a dream Hale," Percy spoke as convincingly as he could because he knew for a fact that demigod dreams weren't always just dreams.

Hailey rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up on her bed, pulling the blanket up to her chin. For some reason, she felt colder than ever after waking up from that nightmare. 

"Hey, Hailey." Percy's voice was still soft, reassuring.

"Yeah?" Hailey's voice sounded meek in her ears.

"Don't sweat it sis," Percy reassured her. "Just a nightmare, okay?"

Hailey nodded, still having her doubts as she slid off her bed and tried to get her bearings together for the upcoming day.

"I need a good, long bath." She announced, paddling towards the bathroom. "Tell Sally I will join in for lunch?"

"Sure thing." Percy smiled and ruffled her hair before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

The warm water felt calming on her body as well as her restless mind. It helped her think and analyze otherwise messy situations. She closed her eyes for a while. The dark place flashed behind her eyelids making her shiver involuntarily. Demigod dreams weren't "just dreams" most of the time. It definitely meant something. No matter how hard she tried to reassure herself, she couldn't shake off an ominous feeling and she was clueless as to how to get rid of this feeling or what her nightmare actually meant. 

After long contemplations, Hailey decided that it won't do her any good dwelling on the nightmare right now. She would speak with Nico about this later. Percy needed to know about this too but not right now. She wouldn't want to spoil his date with Annabeth with her unnecessary worries. With that thought, she got out of the tub and with a deep breath started her day.

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