Chapter One

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Before Ben declared his first official proclamation, deep, deep, deep, deep down, far below Auradon, a dark haired goddess was loosing her shit.


"I DO NOT CARE IF ZEUS SAYS IT IS URGENT, HE CAN SHOVE HIS PATHETIC MEETINGS UP HIS ASS!!" The queen of the underworld shouted at the messenger who was close to peeing himself.

"I-I know y-your highness... I-I-I'm sorry for disturbing y-you." He stuttered out leaving with a *poof*.

Heidi felt her face burning with anger at the thought of her uncle. It's his sons fault her father is stuck for all eternity. It's their fault she is the way she is. Broken. Lonely. Filled with so much rage and hatred.... she has no one and they just laugh and throw parties and walk around thinking they are so perfect.

Without realizing it, she was throwing stuff and breaking everything in her sight. Tears rushing down her face as she remembered everything they ever did to her. Years after years after years, they called her things, did things to her, and not once has she seen regret in their eyes. All she ever wanted was to be loved.... but it seems it might be too late for her heart. For a heart once so pure and golden turned cold, after each burn, turned as dark as the depths of Tartarus... the innocence stolen, her happiness snatched. Six words echoed mockingly in her mind...

No one will ever love you....


Now let's skip a few weeks to Bens' dream where he first sees our broken queen...


It's dark. Silent. The young prince slowly sits up, the ground cold, a strange smell lingering the atmosphere. The prince stands up, eyes alert and confused. In the distance he hears crying. He finds himself walking to the sound, who could be crying?

After a few seconds he comes face to face with a dark door, hidden in the shadows. Slowly he pushes it open, he sees a figure crumbled up on the floor, crying and with every sob he hears her pain, her unspoken begs for help. Never once in his life has he felt pain, the closest he's ever come to pain was when he fell off his bike when he was 5 and scraped his knee. What kind of pain is he witnessing right now? This person, he now realizes is a girl, he felt the need to walk over and hug her fragile body, protecting her from all that is evil... if only he knew, she was the very meaning of evil, or so they say.

Suddenly the girl looks up, deep blue eyes staring right into his soul, the prince saw the pain, the torture, sadness, loneliness, he saw a shattered girl. As soon as he seen the overwhelming amount of emotions, they disappeared, like they were never there. But the Prince knew she was silently begging for help, so slowly, he began stepping closer to the girl, she froze, not knowing why he was getting closer, the prince didn't take his eyes off of her, scared she'll suddenly disappear. As he knelt down and slowly reached for her, she started to fade away, he panicked trying to get a hold of her before she was gone, but it seemed like his whole body slowed down, he wanted to help her, hold her, protect her. When there was no trace of her left, two words echoed around him.

Go away...



I sat up sweat dripping down my forehead. That girl, I need to help her, who is she? Is there truly that type of pain in the world? If so then how many have felt that pain? Why did I dream that? Her eyes were so beautiful... she was so beautiful... but she looked so sad.

I don't know how long I sat in bed trying to remember every detail about my dream, but by the time I snapped out of my thoughts the sun was slowly rising over Auradon.

Slowly an idea started forming in my head... what if I can help them? Those in pain. After all, it was my parents enemies who messed up, not their children. But I need to help that girl... she needs my protection. Wait... what did I just say? I don't even know her, and I have Audrey. I can't think that way. Who am I kidding...? I don't love her, all she wants from me is to make her queen so she can brag about it. She doesn't love or support me. She spends more time with Chad anyways.

That girl though... who is she? Does she even exist? I'm forming a liking into someone that probably doesn't even exist. I need to do my research.

With that in mind I quickly get up, shower, and change as I make my way to the personal library my dad had built for my mother a few years ago. I really hope she does exist so I can help her, show her that there is more to life then just pain.

Walking into the library with rows of books everywhere you looked I began my search. First I need to look into the villains on the Isle of the Lost, hopefully the girl from my dreams lives there. Where else could she be...?

I spent hours reading books on each villain, the fairytale stories of my parents and their friends, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Snow White, 101 Dalmatians, I lost count after a few. I wrote down everything about the villain, and I came up with a few kids to help by noon. I hope my father accepts this....

I made my final decision after going over who needed our help the most, the son of Jafar, daughter of Evil Queen, son of Cruella De Vil, and the daughter of Maleficent. I found out if they had kids by going over a couple of books of Auradons track on everyone on the Isle and those born on it.

I still felt something missing though... I walked around for a few more minutes before plopping myself down besides one of the many rows of bookshelves. This girl... she has to exist, or am I just loosing my head over a made up girl my mind decided to throw into one of my dreams?

I bang my head against the books and let out a sigh, does she even exist?


"What the? Owww!" I exclaimed, something had fallen on my head. I look around looking for the object and my eyes land on a blue leather book. On the front were the words Greek Mythology.

Wait... the girl from my dream, could it be possible?
I stared at the book and finally picked it up and began reading.

Question of the day:
What is your favorite TV show? Mine is Teen Wolf but the Vampire Diaries is a fave also🥺

Chapter One!!!🥺 I know I know I started with a Ben POV, I'm sorry if you don't like it but I figured it would help the story come together later on, I hope some catch on to the little hints I have started giving out. Please like, comment and share, it would truly mean so much to me. 🥲💞

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