Chapter Sixteen-M

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11.6 k reads🥲 I'm seriously so grateful each one of you decided to read this book and I'm so sorry for the extremely late update, school has been whooping my ass.  :,)  -Leslie💗


"Goodmorning beautiful."

I open my eyes and find Ben smiling down at me, I felt chills run down my body as he pulls me closer to him.

"Goodmorning little beast." I reply before letting out a yawn.

"I'm going to be really busy today, my coronation is tomorrow and I won't be able to see you until later tonight." He said with a frown.

"Don't miss me too much now." I laughed as I sat up and sat up on his waist.

He laughed in response and began to trace my naked body with his finger tips.

"Well let's get ready, wouldn't want you being late." I smiled. I checked my phone and saw it was 7:30 am, I could catch up with the others and be ready if they do go through with their parents plan tomorrow.

"Wait, I have 30 minutes." Ben mumbled as he reached down and took my ass in his hands. Who knew this beast would be so horny all the time.

I grinned and leaned down and kissed his lips quickly, moaning at his already hard dick pressing against my entrance. Without another word he lined himself up with me and I let myself slowly go down on him, immediately letting out a sigh of content.

Ben's fingertips traced my curves, his lips leaving small wet kisses behind and when he realized I wasn't going to move he growled and held my waist in place.

He lifted me up until his tip was the only thing in me, I looked up at him and met his eyes, he grinned and I felt my knees go weak. He quickly rammed back into me making me scream, a few more thrusts and I came undone beneath him.

He pulled me into a kiss as he finished up and slid out of me. He pulled me under the sheets with him and began playing with my hair.

"You know I love you right?" He whispered looking at me. I smiled softly, my heart clenching with pain, it's only the spell talking.

"I love you too my little prince." I replied giving him a lazy smile.

"We should start getting ready, I have to meet up with Carlos and the others." I said getting up and pulling him up with me. He groaned and mumbled something about having more time.

I laughed and turned around to kiss him quickly. He gave me a smile and the both of us quickly got ready for the day.

"I'll come by later at night, I love you." Ben smiled leaning down and quickly kissing me before running off to his meeting with his dad.

I had a shy smile as I thought about what we did earlier. Not noticing I was standing in front of Carlos and Jays' dorm, I finally knocked on it before hearing a loud 'come in'.

I walked in and saw Mal and the others sprawled around and looking quite serious.

"What's with those faces? You guys are freeing the aisle tomorrow, you should be happy." I smirked, knowing they weren't going to pull through with their 'evil' plan of theirs, or should I say their parents plan.

"We're just... nervous." Jay spoke up after a few seconds. My light smile turned into a frown, I suddenly felt bad for them, they have so much pressure for being teenagers.

"Hey Mal, can I borrow your spell book for a second?" I asked, already walking over to her bag.

"Yeah sure."

I opened it up and once I saw it I pulled it out, but not before a small bag caught my eye. I furrowed my brows in confusion, why'd she still have the spelled cookies? I pulled them out and turned them over, labeled on the front was 'love spell' and I couldn't be more confused.

"Mal...?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She replied, I heard her get up as well as the others.

"Why do you have the love spell cookies?" I felt my heart pick up, if she had these cookies then the cookie I gave Ben was the....

"Oh... um, Heidi.... I kind of... switched the cookies last minute because well I thought we could see if Ben had any true feelings for you and he did! Which is good because I know you love him as well!" She stuttered over her words, the others just stared at the bag in my hand like it was a bag of drugs.

"Why would you do that?" I whispered, dropping the cookies I turned to face her. She glared at me but I could sense her fear.

"I did you a favor, don't get mad at me for wanting to do something good for you." She replied.

"Do something good for me? Okay, yeah this time with Ben is honestly the best I've ever had in about million years, but how could you do that? You're just going to let your mother take over his kingdom and he's going to hate ME!" I felt my eyes water with tears of frustration and sadness. Sadness because... I knew I'd possibly be loosing Ben, the only person I ever learned how to love, and who loved me in return.

I know I'm overreacting, I mean, Ben truly does love me, but I know I could never be with him in the long run, after this lifetime I have to go back to ruling the Underworld and this fairytale will be over.

"We don't have a choice Heidi!" Mal screamed, her eyes turning a neon green for a split second, the others were looking at the ground, but I had caught it.

"Go on with your plan, just know if you do go through with your plan, I'll be back in the underworld and you can forget you ever knew me." I glared at her. Before walking out and heading back to my room, I had a major headache and all I wanted to do now was sleep.

Question of the day-

How is your summer going? Mine has been so fun! But I'm getting really tan from being outside so much.😩

Hello everyone!!!!! I know it's been a little bit and I'm so sorry for taking so long to finally update but school really kicked my ass this year but I'm happy it's finally over. :,)
Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

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