Chapter Twenty Three

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After Ben talked to Jane about something that he tried doing secretly but failed horribly. I didn't get to hear what they were talking about though, Jay had tackled me and we started wrestling.

"You did not have to knee me in my jewels." Jay whined, rolling around on the floor. I stood up and scoffed.

"You didn't have to tackle me." I laughed, helping him up. Ben finally came back to my side and laughed as he realized what had happened.

"Let's get going, yeah?" He smiled down at me. I nodded and waved goodbye to everyone.

"I asked some of the cooks to set up something for us, I hope you like it." Ben said, glancing at me nervously.

"You could set up a bowl of cherries for us and I'll love it." I smiled towards him, shaking my head at his nervousness.

"I know... but you deserve the best." He smiled shyly. I finally looked up and saw a small picnic set out on a table, under some type of small canopy. I suddenly felt deja vu from our first date, how long ago that was.

"Just like our first date." I smiled sadly towards him. He looked at me and returned the smile.

"Except this time I know you love me, and you've changed so much, for the better." He replied, pulling me in for a hug.

"Yeah..." I smiled up at him. I belong here, in his arms, no one could ever change that.

Without another word he pulled me over and helped me sit down, quietly we began eating, just enjoying each other's company.

"How do you feel about cotillion?" Ben spoke up after a few minutes of peaceful silence.

"I'm excited, I'm happy your people are slowly starting to accept me." I answered, meeting his eyes with a small smile.

"I'm glad, I'm happy you finally let me in." Ben spoke quietly.

"I'm glad you were patient with me."

Before he could reply my phone began ringing and saw it was my home phone, back in the underworld.

"Let me take this, I'm really sorry." I spoke quickly, kissing Ben quickly before answering, he only smiled and nodded understanding. I stood up and just walked a bit away, wanting to have some time to talk with my best friends.

"Hello?" I spoke, remembering I haven't checked in with them in a while. I heard them quietly breathing on the other side, making me worried, they're never quiet.

"Hi, Ms Queen, we missed you!" Pain spoke up but I knew immediately something was wrong.

"I missed you as well, now tell me what's wrong." I spoke and Pain let out a shaky breath.

"There's whispers miss queen." Panic finally spoke up, they both sounded on edge.

"Whispers? About what Panic?" I asked, now completely confused.

"Th-They say there's something bad coming, he's coming." Panic continued.

"Who's he? Who's coming?" I asked growing completely confused.

"We don't know miss, we heard a demon whispering it over and over to himself, we can't find him anywhere, he's missing." Pain said. He's missing?

"Okay listen, I need you to make sure nothing is out of place, stay out of the bad places, I'm going to check something out today, I'll call you to make sure you're okay." I told them, and heard their quick goodbyes and hung up.

It can't be right? He's in his own eternal prison, at least that's what I heard from the gods when I was younger. I just need to make sure it's locked and then I will get over this little worry.

"Hey beautiful, everything okay?" Ben asked, walking up from where the picnic was set up.

"Yeah, I just have to take care of a few things back home." I forced a smile on my face and kissed his cheek, I don't need him worrying about my problems.

"Back home...?" He asked trailing off, I suddenly remembered his dream, a few months ago. He had woken up crying and begged me to not leave him. As if reading my mind, Ben immediately got hold of me.

"You're not leaving me."

I couldn't meet his eyes, but I had to, he had to believe that I was going to stay.

"No I'm not." I smiled, and tip toed to kiss his lips.

"Please..." Ben whispered after a few seconds, and pulled me in as he engulfed me into a bear hug. My heart hurt at his actions, Ben is the only person I've ever been selfish for, but I'm the queen of the underworld, nothing can come before that. Not even my love for Ben.



"She's changed." Zeus spoke as they watched Heidi and Ben continue with the picnic date.

The gods all sat at the meeting table quietly, all knowing and realizing just then how Heidi wasn't evil, she was angry and hated how poorly she'd been treated, and how all she needed was someone to show her how to love again.

"She is a fake." Hissed out Aphrodite, jealously laced in her voice. Zeus glanced her way, an uneasy feeling wavering across him. Jealousy can be the most dangerous weapon if used correctly.

"She is happy now, something she has not been in eons." Athena spoke up, glaring at Aphrodite.

She knew the lengths she would go to destroy something she was jealous of, she knew there were no limits when it came to destroying Heidi.

"You all believe her little act? She does not love that boy, she is exactly like her father!" Aphrodite shouted, her pinky red eyes shooting a deadly look at Athena.

"ENOUGH!" Zeus roared, he sent a cold stare Aphrodite's way, but she held his glare, before looking away and standing up. As she left the meeting room the other gods and goddesses felt a chill run through their bodies.

Aphrodite needed to be controlled before her jealousy took over her completely.

"Heidi is to be left alone, no one interferes with her." Athena spoke, Zeus knew she was wiser than everyone there, and when she spoke it is to be taken seriously and it is an order, not a suggestion.



Short chapter but I hope you all like where this is going!!!! Let me know where you think this is going? Are you all ready for what's to come?

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