Daria's hot chocolate attacks her

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Camp Jupiter was weird.

    Their new pack was small. Just her, Jason, and their guardian, Nani, who had crinkles by her eyes. They spent the rest of the previous day talking and learning more about the woman that would raise them. Nani made food that Daria had never eaten before and taught them words that they didn't know.

    Nani was the daughter of Vesta, the goddess of home and family. She had been at Camp Jupiter for a long time and she had her own kids, she told them, but they had moved outside of the city. Daria liked Nani. She liked Nani a lot.

    There were three rooms in the house. One for each of them. Daria's was plain, just like it had been at the Wolf House. But here, she had something called a desk so that she could work on things for school.

    "School is just like the Wolf House," Nani said. "You will learn all sorts of things, like fighting and Latin and how to read."

    "I already know how to fight," Jason complained, jumping on the 'couch'.

    Nani laughed deeply. "You will learn how to fight better, Son of Jupiter," she said affectionately. "You will become the best."

    Daria laid on the 'bed'. She couldn't really sleep. Tomorrow she and Jason were getting shown to lots of people. Nani said they would place them in things called Cohorts and they would be like their second family. She said First was the best and Fifth was the worst. Daria really, really wanted to be in the First.

    She wondered where Jason would end up. She hoped they would be together; Daria enjoyed talking to him. Leila had called them best friends. She hoped, even if they had different families, they would be best friends forever.

    Daria received her answer at breakfast.

    She knew there were going to be a lot of people there, but there were more people than she thought existed. They all sat at tables, talking with each other. They were all very big. But Daria was five, so she was big too.

    "I'm scared," Jason whispered beside her. They were wearing different clothes, a color called purple, and shorts that made Daria feel like she was naked. Everything was new. Everything was scary.

    "Me too," she muttered back. "But it's okay. We have to be brave."

    "You're right," Jason agreed. Together, they walked closer to the Pavillion.

    Anna noticed them immediately. "Attention!" She called. "Here come our newest recruits!"

    Oh great. Now everyone was watching them. Jason waved nervously and Daria shoved him so he didn't look stupid.

    "Well?" Oliver said gently. "Introduce yourselves."

    "Um," Daria stepped forward, trying to put forth a strong attitude. Her voice came out high and squeaky. "I'm Daria Jackson."

    "She's like two!" A voice called out, and Daria faltered.

    "She killed a griffin yesterday, Kai," a voice that Daria recognized to be Sofia snapped. "And besides, she's five. Let me know the next time you do that."

    Kai was quiet.

    Jason joined her timidly. "I'm Jason Grace," he said softly. "I'm um, the Son of Jupiter."

    Anna narrowed her eyes. "Say that last part again, Jason. We couldn't hear you."

    He straightened. "Jason Grace." He repeated, louder this time. "Son of Jupiter."

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