Emotions by the Tiber

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Like Daniel had so sharply requested two days ago, Daria had been thinking about his words.

She and Reyna were on guard duty around the Little Tiber. Everything was quiet, serene almost, except for the hurricane spinning around in her head. Neither of them had their swords drawn but neither of them would need it. Daria, Reyna, and Jason hadn't worried about losing a match in a long time.

Reyna's black hair was tied in a neat braid that Daria wouldn't be able to achieve if she spent hours. Daria knew she should stop comparing herself with others. After all, Daniel had been very clear about that.

Reyna trained her brown eyes on her. They were softer than usual. "What are you thinking about?"

Daria learned fast. She wouldn't let Reyna get that far. "What are you thinking about? Asking me to the dance?"

Reyna turned her head away from her in embarrassment. "That obvious?"

Daria inhaled deeply, sitting on the bank of the river and picking up a rock. She didn't know how to skip stones, but she figured it looked cool. She smirked. "Maybe it's just wishful thinking."

She could see the wheels turning in Reyna's head as she sat by Daria. She must have been wondering when Daria had grown so confident. After all, they had just seen each other at breakfast that morning.

Daria was so out of her comfort zone, but practice made perfect. She put a hand on Reyna's arm, dangerously close to her hand. "So, are you going to ask me?"

Reyna laughed, a little more breathless than usual. "It seems like you've already made up your mind." She hesitated, "unless you were waiting for someone else to ask you?"

Daria didn't know how to answer that. Obviously, she wasn't, but there was no way to do both what Daniel was ordering and answer the question honestly, so Daniel could go to hell. "I'm not, Reyna," she insisted. "I like you. A lot."

But even the best of minds got distracted. Reyna frowned. "Why are you holding a rock?"

"I..." Yep, not what Daniel wanted. "I wanted to skip it," she admitted. "But I don't know how to."

Reyna laughed again, not as nervously this time. "Well, first you have to stand up. I'll show you."

Daria stood, tossing the stone up and down like a baseball. Reyna put her arm over hers from behind her. Daria was vaguely aware she smelled like the earth and sandalwood; her heart beat a little faster. She wondered if Reyna noticed.

"You've got to land it down, hard and fast." Reyna's breath was warm next to her ear, but the proximity wasn't uncomfortable like Daria would've thought. "Here, relax your arm."

The daughter of Bellona pushed it so that it landed flatly. It gave three skips before it sank and Daria stared in amazement. Huh. That was cool.

Reyna turned to face her, Daria's hand still in hers. In like midday sun, her dark eyes sparkled with flecks of gold. "Daria," she murmured.

Daria raised an eyebrow. "Reyna."

Her eyes flickered to Daria's lips for a moment. Daria hadn't kissed anyone before, but there was no time to think in the moment. Their noses bumped against each other and Daria giggled softly. Dimly, she wondered if she had ruined it.

"One of us has got to tilt our head, Dars," Reyna put her forehead on hers, expression amused. And then, she kissed her.

Daria smiled into it, giddy. It was a total 'first kiss' kiss, but Daria wouldn't have it any other way. Her heart was threatening to beat out of her chest. She intertwined both of her hands with Reyna's.

reflection ● jason graceWhere stories live. Discover now