Michael's too pretty for all this

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"Um, I know I'm supposed to be the tour guide." Michael motioned around him. "But the inside of a volcano is little above my paygrade."

"We don't pay you," Daria pointed out.


They had a small lunch on the ferry, but Michael could feel everyone around him buzzing with adrenaline. Particularly Daria, who had taken to spouting out stupid comments whenever someone said anything, whether it warranted a response or not.

The two sides of Daria, Michael mused as they stood in front of the blistering heat of the mountain. He knew this wasn't the best time to be thinking about how cute Daria was, but with that excited, fearless expression on her face, he couldn't help it.

He sighed. If only anyone stood a chance against Jason Grace. That was the one thing this quest had made clear. They all depended on the son of Jupiter, but until now, Daria had been the dullest. Like a part of her was missing.

"We can't just stand here," Daria announced. She was favoring her left leg – never a good sign. Michael hoped someone (Clara) brought ambrosia just in case.

Nathan looked a little worse than that. The child of Mercury was strong, but even the best demigods hurt from less than superficial wounds. His breathing was labored and Dakota kept glancing at him like he was about to fall over. Michael knew he wouldn't. If there was one thing Nathan was, it was stubborn.

"We're waiting for you," Clara said good-naturedly. "Unless you don't want us to do that?"

"No, no," Daria insisted, taking a deep breath and marching into the hole in the wall. Most likely, it was the same entrance Atticus was using. If not, it was a trap. Either way, Michael figured they were doomed.

Michael craned his ears to hear Daria muttering under her breath. "You're a leader. You're a leader."

"Glad we're following her," Nathan mumbled. He shared a grin with Michael that was so infectious he couldn't help but snort and follow Daria. Nothing like strolling into your own custom-made death trap.

The first thing Michael noticed was how hot it was. His overcoat immediately felt like seran wrap, sticky and tight. He could feel sweat dribble down the back of his neck. No one else looked much better.

He sighed. Why couldn't demigods be fire-resistant?

"The heat's making my leg bad," Daria said below her breath. "I think I'll be fine, but in case I topple over into the lava."

"Switch with me," Dakota said, though Michael was pretty sure Daria was being dramatic. She didn't move. Dakota was much more likely to trip and fall in.

"Jason!" Clara called tentatively. "Daniel?"

"Shut up," Michael hissed. "You'll give us away."

"We're in a volcano," Nathan pointed out, breathing heavily. Michael encouraged him to put an arm around his waist, which was a lot closer than he was comfortable with, but unfortunately, Nathan dying on them wouldn't help anyone. "We've already got like, a 5% chance of survival."

"Thank you Mr. Optimism," Dakota shrugged. "I think it's more like 13%, but of course, what do I know?"

"How to talk to leopards apparently." Daria scanned their surroundings, although all Michael could see was up, down, and lava. "I can feel people here. More than two."

"I don't suppose it's like, god."

"Which religion?"

"Which one do you think?"

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