A quest? No!

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"Don't you all have somewhere better to be?" Daniel's sarcastic voice drawled as he approached them. "Like perhaps getting ready for the War Games tonight? If I remember correctly Anderson, and I do, last time your armor came off halfway through the match!"

Dakota blushed as Nathan tried to hide his laugh. "Sorry, chief."

"They were watching us train," Daria offered, sheathing her swords. It had been a few hours and she was soaked in her own sweat.

"Like Leila ordered us to," Jason pointed out.

Daniel nodded. "Good. And now, I'm ordering you to get ready for War Games, centurion."

Jason grumbled under his breath, but Daniel was always like this. Daria didn't mind it too much, not that she could say anything to her praetor regardless. She messed with her hair, wondering if she should bother showering if she was just going to get even dirtier tonight.

Daniel made the decision for her. "Jackson, walk with me for a second."

Oh no. He was going to scold her for something; she just knew it. Clara patted her arm sympathetically, whispering. "If you're not at muster, we'll assume Daniel killed you."

Daniel sighed in some sort of disbelief and walked over to the side, expecting Daria to follow him. Her stomach coiled. What had she even done in the last few days to warrant a 'talk'?

"Yeah," she crossed her arms around her. It was getting a bit cold. "See you guys at dinner?"

Nathan snorted. "Unfortunately." Clara whacked him, and they walked in different directions, wherever they needed to get ready.

Jason shot her a look. You'll tell me all about it right?

Daria must have looked wide-eyed and panicked, but she nodded imperceptibly back before racing to join Daniel, who was already halfway down the Via Praetoria, waiting with a bored expression.

They walked past several merchants before Daniel said anything. They all waved, Daria was well-liked here, but she couldn't bring herself to smile back. After the last few years, there was a tense feeling that never left her shoulders. Daniel must know he wasn't helping; she wouldn't be surprised if he was riling her up to train her in his own way.

"I had a dream last night," Daniel spoke suddenly. His mouth was always frowning, but now there was something puzzled about it. Daria realized with a shock that he was asking her for an opinion. "About you."

Daria bit her lip. She knew she was powerful, but that didn't sound right. "Just me?"

"Yeah," Daniel shook his head. "That's what I thought too. But if this...thing will happen to you, I'm assuming Jason will play his own role."

Daria had long since committed Ryan's words to heart. She would re-dream the scene sometimes, trying to find meaning in his prophecy. Jason will play the cards. Anything she did, he would be with her, and visa versa.

"What is the thing, though?" Daria questioned as they strolled into walls surrounding the Principia. "Is it dangerous?"

"You're not going to like it," he warned.

"That's never stopped you before," she retorted.

Daniel smirked in his arrogant way. His dark hair was cropped short, legion rules though no one ever followed it, and his eyebrows were bushy on his head. "Fair enough." He searched her expression, another thing she had gotten better at under his guidance. "It's a quest."

Daria inhaled sharply. She hadn't been in a quest in two years, not since Ryan died. "I can't do it."

"Well, it's not a request," Daniel raised his eyebrows. "You're going to be leading this quest. All we need is further information."

reflection ● jason graceWhere stories live. Discover now